Wining the Bet.

500 14 2

Some worker led my dad and I to the Cubs dug out. We walked past the locker room and the smell of guy was so strong, I instinctively took a deep breath. Since everyone is still out on the field, the guy takes us in. My eyes instantly go to Rizzo's locker. The guy doesn't stop talking about odd history points.

"Ok, this is cool and all.. But can we go meet the team now?" I ask annoyed.

"Right this way miss," he winks and I roll my eyes.

When we walk out of the dugout, I ditch my dad and attempt to walk towards Anthony, but Baez steps in front of me.

"I'm Javier Baez, but you can call me your boyfriend." He flirts and I just laugh.

"That was cute and all but I have my eyes on someone, sorry!" I say as I walk towards my destination.

"Good game Mr. Rizzo," I say when I get there. He laughs and gently pulls my hand to his lips.

"Thank you Miss Lily. Lily, this is Kris, if you couldn't tell; Kris, Lily." Anthony introduces us.

"So this is the girl you were talking about dur-" Kris starts.

"KRIS SHUT UP" Anthony yells. I giggle and grab his hand.

"Kris may I borrow Anthony for a minute?" I sweetly ask. He nods. I grab Anthony's hand, interlocking our fingers, giving a little  squeeze, then letting go. I walk over to my dad who's talking to Addison Russell.

"Hey dad.. I have someone I think you wanted to meet.." I start.

"Mr. Rizzo! A pleasure to meet you. I'm Aaron Jones." My dad shakes his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine." Anthony responds smiling. They start talking and I excuse myself for a minute.
I walk over to Kris who's standing all alone.

"Hey I have a question about Anthony," I say.

"What's up?"

"Is he seeing anyone? I know if he was he probably would say something, but I could be the othe-" I start to panic.

"Lily? Never, he is the most reliable and honest person. He's been my best friend since I started here. He is an awesome person. He's crushing on you already and I think you are too. Don't ya think? You two have a connection and that's all there is to it. Treat him well ok?" Kris tells me. I smile and hug him. I didn't know Anthony was behind me until I released from the hug and bumped into a hard wall. Well, person.

"Lily.. We won the game" he whispers in my ear. I shiver at his voice in pleasure.

"Do you have your phone on you?" I ask. He hands it to me and I quickly type in my name number and my address just in case.

"What are you doing tomorrow? We have an off day and I was wondering if  you'd like to go on a date? It's ok if you don't want to. I get it just thought it would be fun." He asks shyly. I lean over and kiss his cheek.

"I would be honored. What time?" I reply

" I'll pick you up at 10 am. We'll spend the day together ok?" Anthony says.

"No problem see you then Ant," I wink I give him a kiss on the cheek before I go. I can't believe I have a date with Anthony Rizzo tomorrow!?

So the Cubs are the NL Central division champs!!!!! Ahhh!!! Go Cubs go!! ❤️💙❤️💙🐻 I love Anthony Rizzo!!!

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