chapter 4

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The next day I sat down and was eating special K for lunch. Yer I know, pick a cereal Megs. Well I have cereal for every day of the week, so there. So back to what I was doing. I’m flipping through channels bored to death with what I was previously watching.

I stopped the channel on Disney and sweet life on deck was on. I threw down the remote in frustration and continued to eat my lunch. I scrunched my face up realising I had seen this episode 1 billion times already.

I decided to be brave and picked up the remote once more. I switched the channel to wrestling, because I knew it would be on. I held my breath until I saw, gladly, that it wasn’t my brother fighting.

Emily walked into the lounge with her bowl of cereal. She sat down carefully trying not to spill her milk from the bowl. When she looked up at the TV she immediately scrunched up her nose.

‘Why are we watching this crap?’

‘Cause there’s nothing else on, and I want to see if Randy listens to us when we tell him to be nice to people. From previous experiences, he doesn’t. So we can punish him if we witness it.’

‘Whatever. But if you freak out again, I’m blocking this channel.’

‘But, but, but. This channel had Simpsons on it as well.’ I replied with a pout and puppy dog eyes.

‘Well then you better not freak out.’ Emily replied casually  while shoving cereal into her mouth.

I rolled my eyes and returned my attention back to the TV once I heard Randy’s entry music.

After 5 minutes of watching I covered my face with a pillow and ignored the rest of the show. After listening to Randy getting the popcorn bashed out of him, I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.

‘Yup, not doing that again.’

Emily nodded her head and peaked over her pillow.

At that moment Jasper jumped on Emily and started purring while rubbing his face on hers. She patted him while picking up her lunch again.

‘So, what we gonna do today?’ asked Emily.

‘I dunno. I feel like that because we got stalked by CC and Ash yesterday, that we should return the favour.’ Emily nodded her head with an agreeing look on her face.

‘So, twitter stalk?’

‘Twitter stalk.’ I agreed.

I pulled out my phone and went on to Ashley’s twitter account. He had nothing there so I went onto CC’s.

‘Right, says here that they’re going to a club tonight. Oh my god, where dancing here tonight. Whelp, this just got awkward.’

‘How about we call the Joker’s and hang with them today?’

‘Eh I guess so Ems. I mean they still love us like family, and they understand why we left them. So why not. Call Jaime and tell her that we are coming to see them today.’

Emily pulled out her phone and started furiously texting Jaime.

A couple of minutes later we got a reply and Jaime told us where to meet her. I decided now would be a good time to get out of my pyjamas and walked up stairs to get ready.

I pulled on my shredded shorts and a lazy boy jumper over my white singlet. I pulled on my black high tops and jumped over to my mirror. I ran a brush through my hair and put on my black and white snapback then put on some pale pink lipstick. I put on my rubber bracelets and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and then stuck some gum in my mouth.

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