intro - it's me, annie.

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My name is Annie. I'm 16. I usde to live in Dallas, Texas, until I was in third grade that is. Third grade was my favourite. I was super popular, if that's what you wanted to call it, but things have changed since than. I fourth grade, my family moved to Maryland. New school, new friends, and a totally new life. The same year, my mom passed away in a car accident driving to her new work at the hospital near where we lived. The good news was, she wasn't late for work..? Around January, I was diagnosed with Leukaemia. I basically lived in the hospital, which was really hard because my mom wasn't even there and I have a younger sister. (her name is Hayley if it's really that interesting) At the same time, being at the hospital wasn't too bad, other than the fact I had cancer. I started watching a lot of YouTube, because what else do you do laying in a hospital bed all day long? I made a fanpage on Instagram, than later one on Twitter, which I actually still have. I also made some of my best friends there, and still to this day I am friends with a few of them, some of them, they couldn't make it. Riley was my best friend, and she was also my roommate. She had some type of skin cancer which I can't pronounce, plus a lot of allergies. And I mean A LOT. Just to name a few, she is allergic to the sun, grass, and a lot of foods that I can't even start to list.

When I was cancer free, (proud to call myself a survivor!!) I started 7th grade at a private school. That's also when I found out I was bisexual, not going to get into too much of that, but here's how it went. I made like 4 best friends, than was invited to one of her sleepovers. Her name was Olivia, btw. But she had a lot of other people there, who I had seen around school before but had barely talked to them. One of there names were Jocelyn, and most people would say, "she's pretty." But not me, I thought she was hot. Later that night we were playing truth or dare, and Olivia dared me to call my crush. Jocelyn's phone rang, and she told everyone she was lesbian. I dated her for a while in eighth through tenth grade and here we are now, #jannie strong.

authors note: hey guys!! I really hope you enjoyed this little chapter or intro, ngl I would keep reading if I was you! 😂

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