Youre Mine pt 1

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Bad Era 1987

Y/N point of view:
My life was actually kind of normal before I met Michael Jackson. I was a normal college girl with normal dreams. Not wanting anything to do with celebrities. And you would think dating a celebrity would be all fun and games. well it was for me, until something happened

Michaels House 1987:
"I can't believe you Y/N!" Michael yells.

"You can't believe me? That girl was basically Groping you Michael!" I retort.

"Now you're just being paranoid Y/N."
Michael rolls his eyes.

"I am not! It's not my fault you're so famous those little girls don't know when to quit trying to get into your pants!"

I point to his belt.  He chuckles  leaning against the fireplace. The bright yellow fire crackles in the chilly living room. The light brings out the color in Michaels skin. I don't know why he thinks this is a game....

"I give up. You obviously aren't going to listen." I shrug and let out a breath falling into the couch.

"Hey." Michael comes over to me and sits next to me on the couch, putting his hand on my thigh. "What are you doing?" I say looking at his hand back to his face. "Listen Y/N, I know this may be hard for you to understand but I can assure you." He makes me face him and puts his finger on my chin making me look him in his eye

"You're still my girl." He says with a gentle smile. His dark brown eyes always seduce me with a record of 3 seconds. Just hearing him call me his girl helped me feel safe again. His soft lips press against mine. I don't know how he smirk has this sort of power over me

I hear his giggles as he continues to kiss me. "Y/N, I don't know how you have this effect on me but damn girl you do it well."

He pulls my legs forward and wraps them around his waist. We continue to kiss as the warm fire lit up the room. I run my fingers through Michaels silky curls as he kisses down my neck. "Michael....." I whisper in ear as he bites my collarbone. "Y/N...." he whispers seductively. I close my eyes about to let him continue, until he places his hand on the button of my jeans. "Mike."

I put a hand on his chest pushing him away.

"What's the matter Y/N?"

"Mike your sister is home."

"Janet doesn't care she's used to it."
Wait a second. I've only been here a few times.

"What the hell do you mean she's used to it Michael?!" I push him off me roughly and get off the couch fixing my clothing.

"Babe come on."

"How many girlfriends have you had?!"

"Not too many." He replies unbelievably calm. "What the hell Michael? Am I even important to you?"

I lean into his face. "Are you cheating on me?" His expression goes from neutral to angry in a split second.

"What kind of person do you take me for Y/N?"
"Maybe a famous douchebag is the top thing on my list." I reply.

"Y/N you know that's not true."

I rub my eyes.

"I honestly don't care right now Michael. I can't take this anymore."

"What do you mean? Do you not trust me?" I could see the hurt in his eyes and his voice cracking.

"No Michael. I just don't trust the public. Those girls who think it won't hurt me when the run up all on you."

"And you let them." I add

"I'm sorry Y/N." he says tucking a curl behind his ear.

I grab my coat off the edge of the couch and head torward the front door. "I am too Michael."

I open the door and show myself out of Neverland. Tears streaming down my face

Michaels POV:

      I grip my hair and cry uncontrollably. It wasn't my fault, but I can't blame Y/N for being angry. I've never been one to commit to any real relationship after Lisa. But she was different......... she was mine,

And now she's gone.


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