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He was a nice boy.
Now he's dead.
Well it was his fault that he got too close to me.
I warned him.
Hahaha I didn't.
But he should have ran away after a few days with me. After I told him I like to look at blood. After I screamed at him just because it was fun. And when I laughed when he started crying.
But he called every day...
I thought he would stop after a while. That he would run away. That he would leave me.
He didn't.
Now he's dead.
I'm not sorry about it.
It's not hard to lure boys like him.
It's actually quite easy.
Who doesn't like a smart girl with cat eyes who isn't afraid to wear red lipstick with everything.
It's fun to hurt them even when they don't realize it.
I like to take my sweet time and to slowly destroy their souls, dreams and hearts.
Some boys get out of the relationship very fast.
Some unfortunately don't, and end up like that poor boy.
And yes, I killed him.

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