Hogwarts Express

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Hazel's POV

Finally we were on our way to the hogwarts train. You could tell that the wizards didn't fully trust us. They were always looking over their shoulder as if saying 'don't try anything'. These wizards are pretty weird.

Once we got to the train station I waited silently has the wizards told us what to do. "You run straight into the wall between platform 9 and 10. Like this." Once she said that the wizards showed us. We followed cautiously and came out on a similar looking platform with a red train that read, hogwarts express. The wizards were now already saying bye to everyone and getting on the train.

"Hazel are you nervous about going to the wizard school?" I heard Frank ask beside me.

"Why do you ask?" I replied.

"There are gems surrounding you."

"Well... Yeah I'm kind of nervous."

"Well we should probably get on the train before it leaves." He said with a chuckle. I laughed and agreed.


We had finally found an empty compartment so we could all sit together. Percy was extremely close to Annabeth, while the same for Will and Nico, along with Frank and I, and let's not forget Piper and Jason. Next Leo and Thalia were sitting by each other though not to close. The weird thing is even with all of us there was still room. How??

Once we had sat down a girl with dirty blonde hair calmly walked in. "May I sit here?" She asks with a dreamy voice, one that I would recognize anywhere. Luna Lovegood daughter of Athena and the only Greek to only go to the roman camp. She doesn't even know of the Greek one.

I look at her and spoke softly, "Luna?"

She turned to me and exclaimed, "Hazel!! I never thought I would see you again. Are those wrackspurts still bugging you?" She asks. Luna will always be the same crazy person has always.

"Umm Hazel who is this... girl." I heard a voice that could only belong to Nico, my dear half-brother.

"Oh! That's right you all don't know each other. Guys this is Luna Lovegood daughter of Athena. (A/N y'all happy now) Luna these are my friends from camp, and no not the roman one, well some of them are. The blonde with storm grey eyes is Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena, same as yours, and Architect of Olympus. Next to her the boy with sea green eyes and jet black hair is Percy Jackson hero of Olympus. Then there is Will Solace who is the blonde that is right next to Nico Di Angelo, my half brother son of Hades. Nico is the wanderer of the pit of evil and Will is his boyfriend he is also the best healer in camp. Then if you look at the Latino boy with the tool belt his name is Leo Valdez builder of the Argo II. Then if you look to the left you will see Jason Grace. I would hope you remember him from your time at the camp, though he probably doesn't remember you, and next to him are two girls, one of them is his sister which is the one that looks like a punk. Her name is Thalia Grace daughter of Zeus and Hunter of Artemis. On the other side of him is his girlfriend Piper McLean daughter of Aphrodite and is a charm speaker. And last but certainly not least is my boyfriend Frank Zhang. Which again he probably doesn't remember you but you might remember him. And if you want to know what each of them did ask them because that is their place to explain." I explained -though that was quite a long explanation.

The boys were never good at remembering things. 

"Hello everyone my name is Luna Lovegood. I am a daughter of Athena but went to the roman camp since as far as I know there is no Greek one. I just thought they hadn't made one yet. Since I am the daughter of Athena, Minerva's Greek form, Minerva let me stay in a house she built, more like summoned, for me."

After the introductions everyone got along quite well. The ride seemed short since we were all having fun just talking. Then once the train stopped we all got out. Luna had to go with all the others while we had to go with the first years to get sorted. We were walking and when we turned there was a lake we had to go across. Really it had to be a lake. Every one of the big three children, aside from Percy, hesitated. Jason, Nico, Thalia, even I did.

Percy turned around to say, "guys come on. My dad promised he wouldn't hurt y'all. And if he did he would have more than just Hecate to deal with."

We slowly got into the boats careful of where we stepped. Everyone was on their toes about this, quite literally.

Soon we had finally made it to the castle and what I saw made me breathless.


I know it's a sucky chapter but it's something I hope the next one is better.

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