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Odelia's POV

I don't understand why I'm feeling this way towards Keanu. She's my best friend. I need to talk to her about this soon, but with us going to different churches and me being a tenth grader and her being an eleventh grader, we never really have time to hang out. Somehow, however, we've always been best friends. Maybe I'll just send her a text.

Odelia: Hey K, we need to hang out soon. I need to talk to you about something.

    Keanu: Sure, meet you at the park in an hour.

I sigh and put down my phone, talking to her about this will be awkward, especially because she's older. What if she laughs at me? What if she tells everyone at school I'm gay? My whole family will find out and I'll be sent away and I don't want that.

I climb out of bed to get ready. "What to wear.." I mutter to myself, looking through my closet. "This will do." I say taking out my white blouse and jean shorts.

I head down the stairs to the kitchen. "Where are you heading?" My mom asks me with a smile.

"I'm heading to the park to meet Keanu. Can I borrow the truck?" I ask her, returning the smile.

"Yeah sure honey, but before you go please at least have a piece of toast?"

"Sure momma." I say grabbing a piece of toast and eat it. I grab the keys and head out. "Love you."

"Love you too honey." She says and I walk out of the house.

Keanu's POV

Odelia: Hey K, we need to hang out soon. I need to talk to you about something.

Keanu: Sure, I'll meet you at the park in the hour.

"What the heck should I wear?" I ask myself and sigh. I really like Odelia, not just as a friend. I've learned that being gay is wrong, but I think I love Odelia. I'm glad she asked me to hang out.

I head downstairs and grab my car keys. "Bye!" I shout out but no one's home, as always.

I sigh and head to the park, contemplating whether or not I should tell Odelia. She might tell people. My family might find out and that will be even worse.

I turn on my radio and my favorite song, Love make the world go round. By Jlo and Lin Manuel Miranda is on.

"And love is love is love is love is love is love is love." Lin chants.

"Love make the world go round!" I shout at the top of my lungs. This made me want to talk to Odelia about how I feel.

A/N: helloooo! I'm Jessie, if you don't know, and I hope you enjoyed this part of Restricted Lovers! The next part will be in a week or so because I'm working on my Hamilton story which is on my profile so if you like Hamilton check it out! Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you in the next chapter! Love you always. Word count: 516

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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