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Forgot a title before publishing whoops

You left me when I needed you the most,

Did you ever really care about me?

I'm trapped here like an everlasting ghost,

just heart break as far as the eye can see.

We fell to hard and way too fast, My Dear,

We died as a burning match, gone too soon.

Wore our hearts on our sleeves, ignored our fear,

Yet still, for you, I'd travel to the moon.

Yes, I promised there were no strings attached,

But my strings were tangled, covered in glue.

Stuck in an empty white space, I'm detached,

yet despite the white, I'm left feeling blue.

For the rest of eternity I will yearn.

Silly me, falling in love. Will I learn?

Yo, Yo, Yo, back again with authors notes that no one asked for. This one was a sonnet that I actually quite like but might rewrite one day. I performed it for a friend and she got real emotional (love you chey) so I think I'm gonna save this one. ~Alex

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