Nara: II

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As the two of them were being brought to the emperor by a group of guards, Kise heard servants and concubines whispering and gossiping around them.

"Hey, that blond guy's really cute, isn't he?"

"I heard that he and his friend there injured Shouko-sama."

"They're done for. Everyone knows she's his favourite daughter."

"How stupid are they to make a mistake like that?"

"It's really a shame...that guy's so handsome!"

The blond tried to ignore them, but their words made his hopes sink. He had messed up. Very badly. And they were right—he was so stupid to make such a mistake. He had just wanted to make Aomine proud, to prove that he had really worked hard on practicing. But of everyone he could've hit, the princess, the emperor's favourite princess, just had to step in the way.

Kise felt like he was shaking now, and he bit down on his lip hard. He had heard rumors of Akashi being absolutely terrifying and ruthless, which frightened him even more. What if his punishment wasn't simply death? What if he decided on something more gruesome, more painful? And if Aomine was to be dragged along in that too, Kise didn't know if he could handle it.

Large, ornate doors were opened to reveal a luxurious room, decorated with the most expensive furniture there was. A path ran from the doors all the way to the large throne, which was where the red haired emperor was seated. His pure rage could be sensed from all the way across the room and Kise really wasn't sure if he wanted to get any closer.

However, they were led by the guards to stand before the emperor, giving Kise no choice. With every step closer, he wanted to cower away. He couldn't believe that someone could have an aura so powerful, so terrifying.

They were suddenly forced down onto their knees and one guard stepped forward to report what had happened, though Akashi obviously knew of the information already.

With his head lowered, Kise turned his head ever so slightly to the side to look at Aomine, a nervous expression on his face. He had been looking at him as well and they made eye contact, clearly concerned for their lives due to the atmosphere in the room. The blue haired man seemed to be at a loss of what to do as well, and traces of panic could be seen on his features, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

Once the guard finished speaking, the emperor directed his gaze at the two of them, pure fury in his eyes.

"Which one of them did it?" he hissed, stepping closer to them. Kise could see the man's shoes on the ground before him, and he took a shaky breath. He had to admit to it, lying wouldn't do any good at this point.

"I-I'm very sorry your highness—

"It was me."

Kise's head snapped to the side to stare at his friend with wide eyes, who was staring up at the emperor what seemed to be fearlessly. To not cower under the emperor's piercing gaze like that was crazy. How did he do it?

But that wasn't the most important matter here. Had those words really left his lips? No no no, this wasn't right. Why was Aomine lying for him? This was all his own fault, he didn't want his friend to get mixed into this.

"N-No!" Kise tried to say, but Akashi had already stepped in front of the navy haired man, staring him down with a disgusted look, like he was a pest that needed to be crushed right away.

"You injure my beloved daughter, and you still dare look me in the eye with such an expression?" he seethed. "Guards! Take him—

"No!" Kise shouted, shocking everyone in the room into silence. He had just realized it himself, and regretted his actions immensely. He had just cut the emperor off. He gulped, telling himself to continue with his words. "I did it! It was all me! He had nothing to do with this!"

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