1: Torchwood

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1: Torchwood

On Earth, in Europe, in the United Kingdom, in the country of Wales, is a city, Cardiff. In Cardiff is Cardiff Bay, and in Cardiff Bay is the Roald Dahl Plass. Also in Cardiff is a Rift in time and space. On a specific day, at a specific hour, a random burst of Rift activity flares. A humanoid creature with a pointed tail flies through on leathery red wings, fangs exposed, in the pursuit of two young human women. The women wear matching dresses of light green, and it's obvious to the lone observer that the two are related.

The lone observer herself is stood on a specific sidewalk block, hiding herself in the perception filter that surrounds the entrance to Torchwood Three. She wears a sky blue dress, black combat boots and a leather jacket. The only jewelry she wears is a silver charm bracelet and a silver locket. In a holster on her hip rests a Compact M1911 2.0, set to stun. On her wrist is a homemade teleportation and communication device, based off of the boss's Time Agency wrist-strap - the Vortex Manipulator is being worked on. On her shoulder, a little fairy-like figurine is sat close to her ear.

The lone observer steps off the platform, revealing the man behind her. He wears a grey tee-shirt, black skinny jeans, black converse, and a jean jacket. He carries the same equipment as his partner, and brings his wrist to his mouth. "Three figures came through the rift. One is definitely not human," his American accent is a bit out of place.

"Describe it for me, Lyons," the British accent that answers back is equally as out of place.

The young woman in a dress lifts her modified M1911, aiming at the flying creature. "Red leathery wings, a pointed tail... If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a succubus, Brisby." Lyons looks to the two fleeing women. "And the other two are out of their time. I'm gonna bring them to the Hub."

"Ronnie! I can't get a clear shot, it's all over the place!" the woman backs away, reholstering her gun and gesturing for the two to follow. "Come this way!" she desperately hopes they can understand her.

They stop suddenly, and the oldest steps forward cautiously. "Miss Adrian?"

Adrian blinks, her eyebrows creasing. "How do you know my name?"

The two girls both surge forward, hugging the confused redhead. "It's us! Don't you remember?"

A screech from the creature interrupts them, and Ronnie pulls the trio towards the other entrance to the Hub. "No time for remembering, just come on!" He pulls them to a small tourist shop, pushing the two newcomers in as two more people come running out.

"Lyons, Pond, with me!" The American man with a WWII coat lifts his gun and aims at the creature, and the woman with him does the same.

"Keep your guns on stun!" the Welsh woman yells, shooting at the flying alien.

Adrian pulls her sonic screwdriver out instead, aiming it at the alien. "If I can just get a lock, I might be able to identify it, and find its weakness!" her Scottish accent echoes off the buildings nearby. The creature falls suddenly, landing with a wet thunk on the ground. "That'll work..."

They get the thing bound and the American man lifts it onto his shoulder. "Lets get him catergorized and detained."

Adrian scans the creature with her sonic, frowning at the results. "I don't recognize the species. Maybe your database has more information, Jack."

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