2: STS Nexus

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A/N: I know this is almost a year late! I'm sorry! A lot of stuff happened, like a lot, and I kinda lost my inspiration for awhile. I've found it again after watching all of series ten of DW, though, and seeing the lastest Christmas special, and I am very excited for the Thirteenth Doctor coming this fall!! I'm definitely going to be continuing Adrian's story far into this show, and in response to this reasoning and thought process, this book will be heavily focused on this batch of OCs in various episodes of Doctor Who, featuring Clara and later on, Bill Potts. Please be patient with me while I find my writing groove again, and also if you like this story (which can probably be read by itself but is a sequel technically, so you maybe should read Traveling With the Doctor first? I feel like this one is better already, though....), please share it and recommend it to others! And leave votes and comments! Comments fuel my motivation and usually get me through tough days when I don't feel like writing, and actually help me to write and update faster!

Thanks for reading!

~Chris (formerly AlanaLDavis)

Previously, we left Adrian devestated with the news of her grandparents' fate (see: Angels in Manhattan), and bitter towards her father for leaving her and her friends in Cardiff on Earth for five years. A boy speaking Gallifreyan appeared in Torchwood, where the crew have been working since being left, calling himself John Smith. A girl from Adrian's stint as a human has also joined them, having been chased through the rift by a creature that ended up killing her sister.

Here, we continue the story with the crew as they figure things out and start a new adventure!

2: STS Nexus

Everyone stays busy, especially Adrian. She throws herself into her assignments - the ones Jack would give her, anyway. He keeps insisting she take some time off to grieve her grandparents. She wouldn't admit that she was still hurt by being left behind. She could, however, admit to being angry. She'd had no way to go visit the boy she had adopted as her own. If she'd known she'd have been stuck on Earth for all this time, she would have demanded she be allowed to take him with her.

"You don't get it. I lost them years ago when I was left here." She scowls at him, pushing past him to talk to the blond in the cell. She interrogates him, a crinkle between her brows growing deeper with each meeting. "Who are you? Where did you come from? How do you know the language of my father? No one knows this language." She speaks to him in Gallifreyan, so no one else hears their conversation.

The boy gives the same answers, if he gives them at all. "I am John Smith. I come from everywhere. My mother taught me." Over and over and over.

Sometimes he tells her about the ship instead. A gigantic black thing that can hover in place, and has the potential to be a Space-Time Ship. Lots of fancy features Adrian really doesn't want to make heads or tails of, other than the advanced med bay, the command center, the cryo chamber, and the weaponry. He calls her the STS Nexus, with a glint in his eyes.

"It's my mother's ship. I got it for her for her birthday. I was a bit late though." He shrugs, looking to the ground with a sad smile. "Or early, depending on who you ask."

"Early?" Adrian frowns, reaching a hand up to her shoulder to poke at Thia; she was chattering in her ear about a smell.

"Time travel's tricky." He smirks. "We never meet in the right order."

The repeated words, words her parents have spoken, send a shiver up her back. She understands that concept all too well, her own childhood had been so skewed and twisted. Time-wise, anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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