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Chapter Four

    I woke up to the same banging as yesterday except there was no 'good morning' and the nurses just came right in and we repeated the process from yesterday. When they dropped me off in the cafeteria I dizzily looked for Argo until she found me and took me to the little room again to flush my system from the poison the nurses gave me. "How long do they do this for?" I say leaning my head on the cold metal door to help with my raging headache. Argo sighs and rubs my back but I shake her hand off, I'm not a huge fan of being touched by girls. "Um they'll drug you up for the first week you're here to get you delusional, then they'll reduce it to some pills and the occasional shot." She said and I groaned, I have to go through this for a couple more days, fuck me. "Come on let's go to the cafeteria before someone gets suspicious, I'd hate to have to go to punishment." I looked at Argo and she shivered at the mentioned words, but really how bad could punishment be? It sounds fucking kinky if anything to me.

When we arrive at the cafeteria my stomach started screaming for food, not remembering the last time I actually ate, I got myself a helping of what I'm guessing is oatmeal and a slice of burnt toast. I'm going to really go insane in here! I followed Argo to a empty table with a single familiar slouched over figure.


He doesn't pick up his head when we sit down and I begin to become impatient at the lack of conversation and attention I wasn't getting as I obnoxiously chew on my fucking burt toast. I look at Argo who's braiding her hair and staring off into lalaland most likely thinking about axes and Lizzie Borden or something. I set down my toast and rest my chin on my hands staring at this oh so magnificent Bones boy. "Stop." My ears perk up when I hear his raspy deep voice speak, a voice that in my opinion doesn't suit the little boy at all. "Who me?" I say with a smirk on my lips, pleased that someone's finally paying attention to me. "Yes." Is all he says before its quiet once again. I sigh loudly a couple of times before speaking up once again. "What are you thinking about?" I ask desperate for a conversation with him. He remained silent but then he slowly opened his mouth and then closed it and then opens it up again before whispering out an almost inaudible,


I felt as if the whole cafeteria went silent just so I could hear that simple word slip from his lips. I try my best to stifle my laughter and smile amused with the cliche depressing boy. "Why?" I asked smile growing wider when he lifted his head to glare at me. Damn those eyes, is the only thought that was running and screaming through my head as we made eye contact for the second time in these past two days. He continued to glare at me my smirk only growing wider at the ridiculous little boy. "Why?" He asks back to me voice going an octave lower and honestly really turning me on. I nod at him eager to hear him speak with a full blown smile glued onto my face. He opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water once again and I can't help but to imagine all the things he could do with those terribly sinful lips. His eyebrows furrow and he closes his mouth completely before abruptly standing up and leaving the cafeteria taking my breathe away with him. I look over at Argo and see she's still oblivious and decide to go and chase the enticing boy, I mean he still owes me an explanation for why he was thinking about death out of all things in the world.

I quickly get up from my seat and search around to see a heap of curls rushing out the door me and Argo came in through. I decide not to literally run after the boy because that would look awfully suspicious to the nurses and guards standing around. I power walk slipping a little on the dirty floor in my socks before getting to the door and swinging it open as fast as I could. I look down the long cold hallway only to find it completely empty. I continue on my quest and walk quickly with my fist at my sides. Who does this kid think he is? He has no right to just leave me without a fucking answer! I swear when I get my hands on his perfect little throat- my thoughts were cut off when I passed by a door and heard the angelic voice of the fragile boy. I quickly turn around and try to open the door but it's locked. I hear lots of shuffling and murmuring until I'm startled by a very loud 'no' being screamed out in bloody hell by the familiar slow voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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