Manan One Night Stand

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Part : 5

Manik's pov

Next day morning manikin went to new York because he got an urgent call from his family.

Before leaving he went near nandini and kissed her on forehead and kept a note in her wallet and went to New York.

Manik was always thinking about nandini  all the time.
He wants to meet her badly again. Because he wants to know about her feelings of their one stand night. But he doesn't know anything about nandini except her name.

Cabir and manik decided to take a break from their busy shedules and spend some time with them so as they planned before.  Cabir also went and now manik too.
But manik wants to go to London to see nandini but what does he will say to his family.
Not only that manik is a popular person and he should hide himself from media . He doesn't want to share his personal information to media.

Manik in New York :

Manik was not able to concentrate on anything.  All his mind was filled with nandini  and that night they spend together.

Manik kinda gets frestated of this felling .

Manik : No no no ,  I am a man who has needs and that was really one night stand and why should I  want her again .....   aaaahhhh manik get a grip of your self . I should get rid of her from my mind. Why should I am only thinking about her , if she want then she can contact me but no . So I also should not think about her.

And with that  manik went to pub . He only see nandini face in every girl. He got more frustration and got drunken fully and when he is moving out of the pub he bumped in to a girl and she came near him and placed her hands on his chest and shows him singles soon both went to some private place to do some uhm.... uhm...

That girl started kissing manik and manik also pulled her closer and started kissing her forcefully. But she was not tasted like nandini. But manik ignored.
She started unbuttoning his shirt and he started removing her dress.
  Both were kissing and manik saw her face and stopped kissing her and he sighed and  was not able to continue what he started so he left.

Precap : Does nandini  remember what happened on that night and with whom she was ??

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