Chapter Nine - She Calls It Quits

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She Calls It Quits

Elizabeth's POV

I gaze at my phone for a minute, my drunk brain processing.

Adrian sounded pissed.

Instead of fear a jolt of excitement courses through me. What would an angry Adrian be like?

Booking it to the bathroom I brush my teeth and dry my hair. Pulling the thick locks up into a messy bun I notice a large purple mark on my neck.

A hickey.

I have a god damn hickey.

Well, shit. Rubbing the spot I giggle, too drunk to care. I like having Adrian's mark on me.

Dressing in a comfy pair of black leggings and my pink over-sized sweater I sit on the couch. Nursing my vodka, I wait for Adrian, butterflies in my stomach.

I don't know what to expect when Adrian gets here. My mind is still reeling from dealing with my mother and sister. They always did this to me. They got right under my skin, twisted me up, tore me apart. I hate that they affect me. I'm not some damn kid anymore. They can't continue to control my life.

But I know just how far they will go. Just how conniving they can be. They would make my life a living hell.

Fuck 'em.

Picking up the tabloid I stare down at the cover curiously. I want to open it, to read what these jokers have to say...but another part of me doesn't want to know. My gaze scans over the headline, finally taking it all in.

My eyes widen at the word 'billionaire'.

Adrian is a BILLIONAIRE!!!

I knew he had money but billions!?

My breath comes in little gasps.

It's no wonder my mother and sister are so furious. They would kill to sink their claws into a man like Adrian. And if he denied them...

My stomach twists, they would stop at nothing to ruin him. I've seen them do it before. I know what they are capable of.

What would he say if I told him? What would he think of me?

Practically pouting in self misery I take a few more gulps of vodka. Might as well finish the damn bottle. This whole day is turning into a total shit show.

It seems only minutes pass before a soft knock at the door makes me jump.

No way can Adrian be here already.

I stare at the door for a moment, wondering if the two devils have returned to drag my soul to hell.

Setting down the bottle I walk slowly to the door, mostly because my vision is starting to go double. Glancing through the peephole I gulp in shock.

It's Eric!

Eric never comes to my apartment. Never. In the past year I think he's been here twice, and only for a minute or two.

Opening the door, I say with clear surprise, "Eric."

"Hey." Eric looks me up and down, no doubt taking in my flushed skin and glazed eyes. "Is this a bad time?"

Oh, God.

Despite the fact that I know Adrian is on his way I stammer before I can stop myself, "N-No."

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