Taming the Beast (League of Legends Fanfic)

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Taming the Beast

Night had fallen and skies were dotted with twinkling stars and a lambent full moon. The skyscraping trees of the forest were thick trunked and high branched, providing a clear passage for crisp winds in the lush foliage below. Apart from the soft whistle of wind and chattering of earth critters, all was silent.

A single figure sat in an area free of brush, eyes shut, legs crossed beneath a heavy white kilt. The wind tickled the hair on his face and the brushed against the bare skin of his rippling chest, but he was unphased by the calamities of climate. The Spirit Guard would be weak to waiver in the wake of such a thing.

He commanded concentration, and it rewarded him with a state of enlightened comprehension. Comprehension of himself, his spirits, his surroundings. The strength of his avatars swam through him like the rapids of a river. Through consistent meditation and dedicated training, he'd matriculated to self actualization in all areas but one. Control of anger.

In a display of colossal strength and animal like speed, a suffusion of Mandarin spilled over his strapping frame, and a triplet of searing, foot long claws manifested on the backs of each of his hands. An avatar of a hulking tiger appeared in ghastly form to his rear, commissioning him with its godlike agility and ferocity. In one swift movement, he swiped through the sturdy trunk of a nearby tree.

The response was delayed but in a moments time the bark began to creak. Then it began to bend and break as the Redwood giant started to fall. Above, birds squawked as they fled from their suddenly uprooted homes in the maze of branches above. But among all of the tumult, there was something else.

Udyr swiped at another tree, and yet another, the monstrous tiger hovering behind, following in sync with his movements, ripping and hacking through trunks as if they were twigs. The forest was no longer a serene and peaceful scene, the air was full of screeching animals, the cracking of splintering wood and falling trees, and it continued as Udyr did.

Then he suddenly stopped and listened, his eyes intense and ears opened. The last tree he cut, fell, and for a moment all went silent. Then there was a soft, piercing whistling in the air. Udyr clapped his hands together and the orange illumination shifted to a verdant green, and the avatar of the tiger dropped and reformed to that of a massive turtle, at which point his skin hardened like its armored shell. Between his hands he'd caught a sharpened wide head spear around its wooden body, the tip was pressed hard against his skin, but without mark or scar. Where it should have impaled and possibly even killed him, it was stopped, by the Spirit of the Turtle's resilience.

He looked up, the deep green in his eyes, seething with hate. More spears came, one after another, each of them tipped not only with sharp skewering head, but a vibrant coat of magical energy. They struck the earth, the spear heads embedding deep beneath the surface on contact. Udyr moved quickly though he could not dodge them all. He was struck once, then twice. A third penetrated his skin and wrenched itself in his lower back. He stumbled and dropped to one knee, the glow of his spirit, gone.

Cat-walking lithely down the trunk of one of the many recently fallen giants of her forest, a jungle tanned woman approached her prey, eyes glowing like a feline's in the lunar light of the moon. She held a spear in hand, its tip already starting to glow a dim orange, and she was dressed as if the trees were her own, clad in complimenting cloth that covered her feminine assets, accessorized with jewelry of tooth and bone.

Udyr's vocals rumbled in a low dark growl, "You impede my meditation."

"For good cause." She quickly retorted.

"Or for lack of manner..." Udyr stood to his feet and pulled the lengthy spear from his back, tossing it aside. The wound began the process of stitching itself back together. "I don't take kindly to your spying, woman."

Taming the Beast (League of Legends Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें