Chapter 4

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Hey my little llamas! Remember what happened last chapter I sure do wrote it this morning! DRAMABOMB ! Anyways I hope you are enjoying vote for my book and it means a lot! Maddie out!

Meredith's POV

I wake up to the sound of a steady beeping. I shoot up remembering what happened. " Maddie you're awake!" I heard Mitch say. I leaned over and hugged him. " No need to explain ,Jerome already told me." He said after we pulled away. He got up and kicked Jerome who was sleeping on the couch across the room."Jerome she's awake." He said he got up and walked over to me and kissed me cheek. We sat there hugging for what felt like hours. " Meredith, you were in a coma for a month." He says. What a month. Really?!!? I started crying . I'm a terrible person I left him for a month with out even knowing it. " shhhhhh, Meredith no need to feel bad , it's okay." He says coming and hugging me again.

~time skip~

"Yay I'm finally out of that horrible place." I said kissing Jerome on the cheek. It's been a week since I woke up. So far I'm glad I did because Mitch already moved all my stuff to me and Jerome's apartment . He even got a girl . Dang a lot can happen in a month. Her name is Makaley Halington . She is really nice , like un naturally nice. She sneezes like a kitten. ( what Makaley you do sneeze like a kitten. Btw Makaley is my irl BFF ) (11:00 PM) We were on the couch watching Wayne's World, when I started dozing off.

Jerome's POV

I noticed she was dozing off so once the movie was over I carried her bridal style to our room and laid her down. I walked across the room and got on Skype with Mitch . "Hey Biggums ." He said in a whisper. " Hey I'm bored ...again." I said . I had called him the past month when Mary wasn't around. "She's asleep isn't she." He said with that are you kidding me look on his face. I moved my chair so he could see her. About three hours passed and it was two in the morning and I thought I was going to die if I don't sleep.

I got in bed and pulled the covers over myself and wrapped my arms around her waist, kissed her on the cheek and dozed off.

-in the morning-

I wake up surprisingly before Mary did , she's usually the early bird. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart and put it in the toaster. I see Meredith come out of the room with bed head that looks like an Afro . She kissed me on the sheet then fell face first onto the couch. That's my girl! Went to grab my camera and started recording her "Hey Mary, say hi to the viewers." I said quietly .

" Fudge you Jerome, you and Mitch would be the only one to do that, you always do!" She yelled and shot up and snatched my pop tart . "Not the pop tart!" I yelled " give me the camera and I'll give you the pop tart. We traded and she grabbed the foam sword and started whacking me with it. All of a sudden the doorbell rang . "Open it Mitch and help me she's gonna eat my liver!!!!!" I screamed. He walked in and she immediately jumped him like some sort of rabid chin chilla thing. She hit him with it a few times then stopped the recording. She came out in about twenty minutes all dressed and happy and said " This is what you get for filming me in the morning." She handed me her phone and the video was already on my channel and hers. "You little." I mumbled before she cut me off and said "Bundle of joy!" She exclaimed happily. " And Jay , that was Karma coming back to bite you in the a**." "And that's my sister for ya." Mitch said with a laugh " I kinda noticed that for the almost eight years we've all known eachother." I said blankly

Meredith's POV

I'm evil . muhhahahhahahhahah Ok I don't even know what that was but oh well I'm mental. (Kidding) (wanna know what the best Christmas song ever Merry Christmas Kiss my A** by All Time Low it's hilarious if you like grunge pop or kinda punk rock you'd love All Time Low my favorite song by them is the Acoustic Version of Jasey Rae !) " Hey Mitch isn't our birthday Friday ?" I yelled down the hall. How could I forget my own fudging birthday ? Like I said I'm mental. Why am I talking to my self. I'm an idiot. ( irl yesterday I was day dreaming about BajanCanadian and the teacher said "What is the answer to number 39?" " Bajancanadian. " I said not paying attention. Once I realized what I did I face palmed and my boyfriend Tyler died laughing and of course I blush because that's all I do. Like 24/7. And I'm in advanced classes in the afternoon and it was the morning so I was bored and started daydreaming like I always do.. Last week something similar happened and I was in gifted at the time and Miz Hudson my gifted math teacher asked me " what is 5% of 913? " " PEWDIEPIE! FRIDAYS WITH PEWDIEPIE. I yelled and Hope this snobby girl whom I hate like snoffs or what ever that thing that rich people do and says the answer. And my Bestie Lauren dies after I say "FRIDAYS WITH PEWDIEPIE !" And like I always do I got detention and so did Lauren like we always do. Like at least twice a week yet I'm school president because I lost a bet with my other bestie Sabrina so I had to run and I won against Hope so now she hates me but I don't care! At all.)

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