Request - Oliver Wood "Distraction"

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"But we need to win this, Y/N! Don't you get it? I need to finish this schedule or we're going to lose from Slytherin! Do you want that?" Oliver was frantically drawing arrows and lines until even you couldn't understand what he wanted you to do in the next training session.

You put your arms around him, standing behind him, resting your chin on his head.
"I think we need to worry more about those Nimbus 2000 they're flying than about how we trained, Oliver. We've done everything we can. We never trained better than we did this year. If they beat us, that only proves that maybe everyone should just fly the same broom instead of having a team with a wealthy daddy have the advantage." You bent over him, taking the quill out of his hand and putting it back where it belonged.
"You need to relax a bit as well, or Madam Pomfrey has to patch you up even before the game start."

He rolled his eyes when you made it impossible for him to work further, turning on his chair and he looked up to you.
"No, I don't want her and those nasty potions, but..."

You shut him up by putting your finger on his lips.
"No buts. We've been working our ass of, Oli... We've done everything we can, all we can do is have two more good training sessions and then show Slytherin we're their betters by far." You weren't completely sure it was going to work that way, but no matter how much you wanted to win this game, you wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend more. It had been far too long ago that the two of you had been alone without some Quaffle or broom watching over your shoulder.

"Fine..." he sighed, turning back quickly to roll up the parchment now it was dry, no doubt to work on it some other time when you weren't watching him.
"What do you want to do?"

You checked the time... you still had about an hour before curfew and you did have a few ideas on how to spend them.
"I discovered a small secluded beach at the Lake a few days ago. Want to come and check it out with me?", you smiled at him.

Oliver Wood - Harry Potter Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now