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       I was walking home from school when my mom called me and said that my father was in the hospital

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      I was walking home from school when my mom called me and said that my father was in the hospital. I ran as fast as I could all the way home. I was at least 5 blocks away from home. When I got there they where already gone. I saw the ambulance drive away. I got a ride from my neighbor, Truman. He said that my dad had a heart attack while I was at school. My dad is only around 45 years old. When I got to the hospital I didn't see the ambulance that they got picked up in. I started to worry. I walk through the front doors and go up to the reception desk and ask if my father was brought in. The lady that was at the front desk said nobody by that name checked into the hospital. I called my mom and she didn't answer. I kept calling and calling and calling, I still got no answer. I figured that my neighbor had beat them to the hospital so I sat in the waiting room for 5 hours. Multiple people where brought in, some with stab wounds. Some with not so fatal injuries. Not a single one of them where my parents. Now thinking I had the wrong hospital, I call my neighbor. I did not get an answer from him either. I called my grandma and then explained what was going on. I told her what hospital I was at so she could pick me up. After she told me it would be a minute till she arrived she then told me she had to tell me something. She couldn't say it over the phone for it hurts to much. So I went outside and waited for her to show up. About 25 minutes later she arrived, I got in the car. While we were driving she explained that the reason that my mother and father didn't show up at the hospital is because on the way to the hospital the ambulance they were riding in got into an accident, and they were pronounced dead on the scene. I didn't know what to say, how to react. Suddenly my head starts spinning, I am sweating profusely.
      I woke up in my grandmas house on the couch, 4 hours later. My grandma begin to tell me how I couldn't stay with her because my parents said if something happened to them that I was to be put in foster care. So I could spend that night at my grandmas but I will be picked up in the morning. I knew she would pull something like this even after I lost my parents. My grandma has never liked me, she my dads mom. She never thought my mother was good enough for my dad and for some reason she took it out on me. I went straight to my grandmas guest room, got my phone out and texted my friends. Music always seemed to help with these things. So I started listening to some Demi Lovato and Shawn Mendez and I started to cry. My friends told me that they were sorry for my loss. Then I began to think "What if I just got a bag and............ Nah Nvm." I went and brushed my teeth, and got in bed I didn't even eat dinner. My stomach was completely turned I couldn't bring myself to eat. My grandma woke me up around 6am so we could head over to my parents house to pack my stuff for foster care. I started thinking again " If I were to nobody would notice would they?" "It wouldn't matter to them." So I desided to do it. I was going to................................................

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