Chapter Four

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The Hogwarts Express was majestic and absolutely breathtaking!

I looked up at my uncle who was smiling back at me, uncle Jonah didn't come with us.

He told us that maybe next year...
Oh well...

"Come Darcy, let's get your trunk on the train" he told me and pushed the trunk forward. I followed behind and dodged many of my soon to be classmates and their parents.

When we finished we went to a less crowded area. My uncle gave me a hug and when he let go asked " are you ready?"

I nodded.

" Darcy, I want you to know that I am going to miss you, I mean, I have barely met you and now you will leave! I -" he said, looking for the right words and sighed " just have an good time, ok? And owl me and your uncle often, young lady." He said playfully.

I giggled and he gave me another hug, we made our way towards the train.

In front of us appeared Mrs. Augusta with Neville.

"Hello mrs. Augusta" my uncle said politely

" Kingsley! What a pleasure to see you!" Mrs. Augusta exclaimed while Neville stood their awkwardly. " are you ready for hogwarts dear?" She said turning around to me.

I nodded, then the train whistled announcing it's soon departure.

"Neville!" The woman said pressing the boys shoulder lightly " it's time to go!"

Uncle Kings gave me one last hug and I went towards the train.

I turned, thinking that Neville might have wanted to go together, and saw his grandmother saying something to him and handing him a glass sphere. He nodded and turned to see that I was waiting and started towards me.

"Hello Neville" I said, smiling.

"H-hello" he said quietly

We entered and were looking for a compartment, but all of them were full. We were about to give up, but there were two compartments left.

I knocked on the next to last compartment and the door opened, a boy about our age popped his head out, he had dark skin and brown eyes.

"Hello!" He said.

"Hello" I responded , tugging shyly on my sleeve. "We were just wandering if the compartment was full" I asked quietly. Neville just stood there.

" oh no, not at all, come on in!" He said cheerfully. Relieved, we entered and sat on the seat opposite to the boy and his friend. "My name is Dean Thomas, by the way, and this is Seamus Finnigan." He said introducing the boy beside him.

"Hello! Nice to meet ya" He greeted, he had a strong Irish accent, stronger than Neville's.

"Nice to meet you too" I said and smiled "my name is Darcy and this is Neville" I said pointing with my head to Neville that was next to me. He waved shyly then looked down at the sphere in his hands.

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