part 29.

21 3 2

what is falling in love

It's a waste of time

A hurtful game of play pretend

that always starts the same

first you're in like with 

a couple thousand butterflies loose in your stomach

sometimes when you're lucky, the person feels the same 

the butterflies dance together

Happiness is all you feel, you can see the light

and it's a beautiful sight- don't get me wrong

but you see, the ending repeats itself every time as well

and I hate to tell you, but it's not as pretty

it goes like this:

the Storm clouds come and the rain starts to pour

You search for shelter, the arms you call home

only to find out they've left you alone

they don't like the sound of thunder 

so now you're on your own only to sit and wonder 

how you could've been better

but there's no answer

and the thing that kills you, that absolutely shatters your heart

is knowing that they've got a part of you that you'll never get back

so you cry and shout while the rain beats down

you can't believe you let them break you like this

so you swear not to fall in love again

I write such crappy and depressing poems. Sigh. 

sincerely [a collection of poetry]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora