Chapter 4

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Lexa's POV

I carried Clarke in my arms and I could feel her heavy breathing against my back sending shivers down my spine. I leant her against my car as I opened the door and helped her in.

"Why are you helping me" she asked as she rested her head on the window

I didn't answer.

She let out a sigh and I knew exactly what I meant, I never answered any of her questions because I don't know what to say to her. I can't tell her what really happened. Ever. She can't know why I left, she'll never look at me the same way. We drove for about 10 minutes until Clarke spoke

"LEXA PULL OVER" her eyes wide and staring at me

I knew what this meant. She was about to be sick. I instantly pulled over and got her out the car. She ran to the side behind a tree and I knew that she didn't want me to follow her. But I did. I put one hand on her lower back causing her to jump a little bit and the other held her hair back.

"Lexa why did you follow me" she asked looking down and kicking some twigs

I don't know why I answered but I just did.

"To make sure you were okay"

Fuck. Why did I even answer.

I felt Clarke stop to stare at me but I didn't I carried on walking never Turning round. Soon after Clarke got in the car and I drove her home.

I carried Clarke into her room and put her to bed. I turned her light off and walked towards the door before Clarke Called after me.

"Lexa....will you stay with me" she said tugging at the sheets

Oh god what do I do now

"Clarke" I whispered

She said nothing. She just moved over on the bed signalling for me to Lay next to her. I had no control and just laid there next to her. She out her arm across my stomach slightly tracing my abs with her finger and rested her head on my neck, the sound of her soft breathing was sending me to sleep, but I make sure that I didn't.I waited until I knew she was sleeping until I left I couldn't sleep there, she probably wouldn't remember anything in the morning and Would wonder why I'm there. So I left.

I didn't get much sleep that night and ended up going out for a run at 3am. I had to meet Isabelle at 8 for another coffee seeing as I ran out on our last one, so I headed home to try and get some sleep.


Clarke's POV

I opened my Eyes AMD instantly closed them again. I Could feel the rays of the sun burning my eyelids. I stumbled out of bed And into the bathroom. I placed my hands on the rim of the sink to steady me and searched for some head ache tablets.

Great. Just my luck. No tablets.

I dragged my feet along the cold floor and walked towards the kitchen when I saw two tablets and a glass of water sitting on the table. Lexa must have left them there.

I smiled softly and took the pills.

Things from last night started coming back Lexa carrying me,holding my hair when I saw sick, ME ASKING HER TO STAY WITH ME. Oh god. She probably left when she knew I was asl-

My phone went off

I ran towards my room avoiding ever Piece of sunlight and grabbed my phone

Octavia: hey your probably feeling like shit right now but I just wanted to make sure got home okay and me and Rae wanted to know if you want to come out with us a and a few other later?.

Me: yes I do feel like shit and yes I did get home safe XD thanks o. Who's a few others?

Octavia: uh me, Rae, Bellamy , Miller , monty , jasper and Harper but there will be other people from school there too. We are going to the beach btw

Me: what time?

Octavia: me and Rae can pick you up at 7 is that okay

Me: yeah see you thennnnnn X

Great another late night out, but I'm not gonna drink anything this time. Well I'll try.

A few hours passed and I had 2 classes after I spoke to O. I had nothing else to do so I came home to do some homework.

I opened the door and Lexa was sitting on the sofa on her phone smiling down at it. What was so funny? She had obviously just come back from football practise as she was in her kit. She looked kinda hot and sweaty.

I sat down and got out my maths homework. About 10 minutes into doing it Lexa walked past me and glanced down at my work.

"The answers 32" she said and walked straight out of the room not making eye contact with me

What the? How the fuck? She literally took one look at it and got the answer

She walked back into the room and leant over me. She grabbed my pen and write down the method she used. It was so much easier than what I have been using

"How the fuck did you do that so quickly" but of course I got nothing she just smirked at me and carried on doing whatever she was doing on her phone.

I needed to talk to her and I needed to do it soon. I needed closure, and seeing her everyday just makes me want to be so angry at her. But I can't be. When I see her smile it makes me smile and I just think of all our memories from six years ago and wonder what happened.

Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to upload something tonight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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