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Lenny closed her eyes, finally content that she had accomplished to convince Scout that Len was her, feeling light and wierdly completed. Reluctantly, she pulled away, cupping Scout's face with her hands gently as she looked into her bright, magenta eyes.

"Let's get you inside and get you dry, okay?" Lenny asked softly, absentmindedly caressing her cheek that was stained with blue from the cold. Scout vigorously nodded and Lenny planted a quick kiss on her forehead before gently taking her hand in hers and leading her to the house, using the blanket Scout had used to cover herself earlier as a sort of an umbrella. As soon as they made it inside the house, Scout shook her head vigorously, her hair flying everywhere and shaking the water off her. Lenny chuckled as she stopped shaking and softly combed her fingers through the clumpy wet hair and looked at the girl with affection.

"Len Len?" Scout asked softly, tugging at the hem of her jacket that she had forgotten to take off and was looking at her with slightly scared eyes. Now concerned, she stopped and pulled at a lock of her own hair in worry. "H-How I did get here?"

Lenny's concern deepened as she stared at the ground, her eyebrows furrowed. "I... I'm not sure, sweetie," she admitted slowly, fiddling with her zipper as she began to get lost in thought. How come the thought of how Scout actually got here crossed her mind, even in the slightest? Lenny gave a quiet sigh and looked up, meeting Scout's gaze. "What do you remember?"

Her eyes widened in surprise for a second before the surprise turned to confusion. "I no remember, Len," Scout replied softly, shrugging hopelessly. "I-I only remember sleep and next rain."

The ends of Lenny's mouth frowned and she nodded, slowly. "Oh... okay, thank you for trying." She tried to reassure the girl with a smile, but the disappointment that she didn't receive any more help with how she even got here was eminent.

"I sorry!" Scout exclaimed, tears coming to her eyes. She hurriedly wiped them away, but they kept flooding back. She flung herself at Lenny, continuing to sob into her shoulder. "This all Scout's fault! I sorry!"

Getting over her initial shock over her outburst, Lenny immediately softened and hugged the girl, trying not to mind the wetness on her shoulder. "No, honey, this isn't your fault, none of this is! Don't blame yourself, please."

"Yes it is! All Scout's fault!" Scout continued to cry out, more tears beginning to land on the damp cloth of Lenny's jacket. "I want to help Len, that is truth, but I no know how!"

"Scout, it's alright! Really! You don't have to help, all that matters is that you're here with me, safe," Lenny reassured quickly, hugging the girl tightly, burying her face in the wet cloth of Scout's trademark, purple turtleneck.

She sniffed, able to bring her cries down to a slightly quieter one. "Is Len sure? You not mad at I?" Although she tried to keep it subtle, Lenny could feel the slightly tighter grip Scout began to use around Lenny's waist and back in anticipation for her answer, as if she hadn't begun to realize that Lenny probably couldn't even be mad at her even if she blew up the moon.

"No, of course I'm not mad at you, Scout," Lenny repeated, giving a quick, tight squeeze before pulling away a bit, her hands holding Scout right below the shoulders. Softly, and nearly a bit hesitant, she pressed her lips to her forehead before looking her in the eyes. "I love you, okay? Don't forget that."

Scout nodded and gave a toothy grin. "Scout know. I love you too, Len!" She giggled, which brought a smile to Lenny's face.

"Good. You go head to my room and I'll bring some food, does that sound okay?" she asked, hoping that Scout wouldn't have a problem with it and agree, not wanting to spend the night arguing and crying in the living room.

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