Chapter 1(Powers)

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Third Person POV (Omniscient)

Walking to the family's little cottage. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, small kitchen, small everything.

She shared a bedroom with her younger sister, Keegan and her older brother that shares a twin, Myers, while Darek, the twin of Myers, usually sleeps on a cot in the family room. It can't be comfy, but he says that if something intrudes, he will be there, front and ready.

Unlocking the door with her rusty key, she opens the door with a push because of the wood's age and calls into the diminutive house, "I'm home! Mom! Dad, Keegan!" Knowing that Myers and Darek always worked until 6pm, like she usually did except she had broken her aged sand bag.

"Is Darek with you?" Her mother called, and her father was in the kitchen, getting ready to go back to work. He was a butcher. She didn't eat meat, even with her father being the butcher of the northern region of Campestribus. 

"No, I am home early." She called back, her mother seemed to be in Keegan, Myers, and her room, with Keegan.

"Oh, okay." she called back, not inviting her other daughter with her and Keeg, her sister's nickname, not saying any regards towards herself, not even an 'okay, love you' from her own mother. She was always the least favorite. She was a disgrace to her family. She was a solider. The mothers usually said women's jobs are sewing, cooking, and cleaning. Her mother was so 20th century. She thought women coldn't be knights, soldiers fishers, anything like that. Keegan followed in delicate footsteps to become the sewist of the region. Mother of apparently only Keegan, adored Keegan. And she thought that Myers and Darek were the best sons ever, but Brielle was just a soldier girl to her. No importance, not being ladylike, as she wanted. Brielle didn't care much though, she loved her job as a soldier. A red soldier. And she was strong, she didn't need her very own discouraging mother.

She walked into the family room and sat on the brittle couch, next to it the cot and a side table, with her ratty book that she had already read but was reading again. She grasps the thick book and open it to her scrappy paper for a bookmark. Starting to read, she heard commotion in the kitchen. Probably just her father.

Continuing reading, skimming throughout the parts she remembers vividly. She reread books because when you read it the first time, sneak peeks of the book you didn't get before you understand because they lead it up to the plot. Little hints throughout the book.

Something fell in the kitchen, shattering it once it hit the rotting wood floor. She threw her book onto the side, landing on the edge of the couch and wobbling off onto the floor and loosing her browning peice of scrap paper. Rushing towards the kitchen, She floods in and her dad was standing there, shatters of broken glass at his feet.

"What happened?" She had thought to ask, but as she went to say it, her voice never came.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I don't know what happened." Her father spoke in a raspy voice, lower than his normal. Brielle curved her eyebrows in a worried manner, concerned for her father that seemed to be a bit warier than his usual self.

"Are you feeling alright?" Concern laced in her sugared voice went unnoticed by her drooping father.

"Yes, Yes. I am fine. Just a bit tired, but nothing coffee can't handle right?" He chuckled drowsily.

"Are you sure?" She spoke again, placing her cold, bruised hand against his forehead and cheek.

"Yes, I am completely sure. Thank you, sweetie. I must head off to work now though, thank you." He half smiled. Turning on his heel, he glides out of the small room and jerks the front door open.

"Bye!" He calls to the house. Throwing the door closed behind himself, and he walks off to his work.

A ding comes from the room which holds Mom and Keeg.

"Brielle! Oh my goodness! Why didn't you tell us?" She heard Keegan screech and the pair came barreling into the family room. They were holding up the family phone, showing a news outlet of her and talking all about her newfound Princess-hood.

"What? You weren't there?" She asked, not knowing how her fellow family could not have been at the announcement of the new princess, aka herself.

"No! We were assigned to pick new fabric for the upcoming Commander of Campestribus. He was born last night." Her mother spoke, speaking quickly as if she only had seconds to speak her thoughts.

"Oh, well I am the future princess of Earth." She stated like they didn't already know.

"Yeah, duh." Keegan rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Well, I came home because I need to start packing." She said grimly, and slid past her dazed mother and sister. She was leaving her home, and she hated it. No matter being second favorite daughter, a soldier girl, or anything like that, she would miss her family. They were her blood, or so she thought.

Walking into the bedroom she was quite upset, as most would be. The candle flickering on the dresser got brighter as she got closer, she was used to this. There was no way to explain it except the flame somehow was brightened as she neared it. Once, her thoughts consisted of her somehow having powers. But that thought came to her one day, about 3 years ago. She had somehow... controlled it. As she did that day so long ago, she lifted her hand. She consentrated, not concerning what would happen if this actually worked again, but she clutched it and moved the once flickering candle to a small ball of flickering heat flowing towards her. Startling herself, she drops it, and onto her brownish-black rug that she had attempted to sew when she still tried to be someone she was not.

Stomping in the spark, she put it out with her old boots. Was it possible she could control fire, and water? She had done it in the field. Looking around, she saw a water bottle only one sip left. She walked over and poured it onto the sodden floors. Stepping back, she held out her hand, as she did with the fire, and drew the water back into the bottle. Once every drop was replaced, she realized that she could control those. What was wrong with her? What other powers did she have?

She wrote down all the powers that all the gold houses had. And started trying all of them. She was a shifter as well, she shifted into Keegan. And she also had invisibility and lightning. The lightning didn't go over too well...

Ignoring the whole in the wall, trying thing after another she had one left, mind control. Stepping closer to the door she reached out for her mother's mind, connecting quite quickly. She could hear her thoughts.

When is the ratchet of a daughter leaving? Lord, 'soldier girl'? Why couldn't she have been normal? I-

Brielle had heard enough. She could read minds, for sure.

She had 6 powers? No gold had 6 powers, and her blood was red! What was she?! She was honestly scared of herself. But as she peeked at the time, she knew she should get packing.


Hiya folks, I am excited to present you the very first chapter!!! Whew!! So fun. So, as you have read, a basis of her just before leaving, trying to relax but she has a hectic family and she decided to figure out her powers. I feel as if her figuring out her powers was cheesy or just really bad so I would really like some feedback. Anything's good to me, I read every comment. I hope you liked it, again feedback in the comments please.


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