Chapter Three

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Jack's flawless grin didn't leave his face as his emerald eyes looked at me. "You really look just amazing, y/n."
I felt myself fumble for words. "Uh-I um your-t-thank you," I finally managed to say.
He looked around at the park. "Great party," he said to me.
I nodded. "I picked the venue and hired the dj and caterer."
"Well it looks like you made great choices, like always." His soft gaze fell upon me and I felt myself tense up.
"Y-y-yeah, I g-guess."
There was a slight pause in our conversation as the dj switched tracks and a slow song began.
Jack smiled and extended his hand towards me. "Would the beautiful birthday girl grace me with a dance?"
I looked up at him with a shocked expression. Maybe it was his handsome face or just how flustered I felt at the moment, but my head jerked into a nod and my hand found his. His eyes seemed to sparkle as he led me to the dance floor.
He brought his hand to rest firmly on my hip and the other to hold my hand as my own found its way to his shoulder.
We swayed in sync to the beat of the music. The whole time his bright eyes were locked on mine. Could it be true? Does he me?
He slowly pulled me closer to him, making me a bit uncomfortable. I was practically pressed against him. We continued to dance together throughout the whole song.
Once the song had ended I quickly stepped back from him so we weren't so close. An upbeat and popular song started to play and everyone started to jump and move along with the tune.
Jack danced to the music and I just tried to follow along with him. I felt myself having fun and I smiled. We spun and hopped along to the rhythm while laughing.
I was a bit sad when the song finally came to the end but my enjoyment still lasted.
Suddenly Jack gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. "Thanks for the dance."
I brought my hand up to where he had kissed me as I replied, "Oh, y-yeah of course."
He only chuckled lightly and walked off to rejoin his friends.
Katie quickly ran up to me. "Y/n!"
"What?" I asked, still in a sort of daze.
"See? He does like you! He even kissed you on the cheek! He's totally going to ask you to be his girlfriend."
I snapped out of it and payed attention to her. "What? No, I don't think so. I don't think I'm quite ready to be in a relationship with Jack. I mean I'd at least like to get to know him more and spend some more time with him first."
Katie laughed. "Alright, y/n. Whatever you say." She tugged on my arm like a small child. "Now come on! Let's go do cake and presents!"
   I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Fine, fine..." I said as I let her lead me to the table where my birthday cake was displayed.
   I stood behind it as people began to move off the dance floor and over to where I was.
   Katie lit the candles and led the song as everyone started to sing.
   "Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...birthday to y/n...happy birthday to you."
   I closed my eyes and smiled as I blew out the candles, silently making a wish. I wish to be able to meet someone special.
   As I opened my eyes, everyone's cheers filled my ears, particularly Katie's ear-splitting whoops.
   I hugged her before picking up the knife and cutting into the cake. One by one I handed out slices to each guest.
   I was the last to be served and as I took my piece I walked with Katie to the table housing the presents from everyone.
   People ate and silently watched as I opened each present. Most contained money, clothes, gift cards, or jewelry.
   The last to be opened was Katie's. I held the gift as I tore through the black wrapping paper. Inside was a Magcon t-shirt all folded up.
   "Wow," I said, trying to sound happy. "Another Magcon t-shirt, and for...this year....gee thanks."
   Katie laughed. "No silly, that's not all."
   I gave her a look before unfolding the shirt. Inside lay two VIP tickets to Magcon. "Tickets?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
   She squealed in excitement. "Yes! Your first Magcon! Isn't it so exciting?"
   I put a fake smile on my face and nodded. "Mmhmm."
   Katie grinned  and hugged me tightly. "Next week, y/n, you and I are headed to Magcon!"
   Great. Another thing for Katie to drag me into.

Hayes Grier ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now