The Villa (Edited)

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Logan had not been kidding about the paparazzi. They figured me out in less than a couple days after the LIfe Clinic story. I had been hiding out in my place before the plane ride out west. Logan took care of everything so all of my things could be shipped out there. I was glad that he was actually helping me since I really didn't have anything else. I don't know what the press is saying about me, but the news has already picked on that Logan Spade has a pregnant girlfriend out there who he cheated on his wife with.

Lucky me. I get to play the whore.

Lucky me, I had a first class ride to Arizona. It was Logan's very own personal plane. It was beyond nice, completely sickening, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. When the plane stopped a driver took me over to the villa. The day was hot and sticky. I was already regretting the jeans and black tee shirt I was wearing. I placed my hair in a bun to get more air at my neck. This was definitely different than Michigan.

The Villa, is actually that, it's a small village of houses behind a huge black gate basically a private community. The houses are all huge with big yards, but there is also a gym, theater, diner, grocery store, anything a person could think to do is inside these gates. I feel like I'm in a prison. I suddenly think to demand a key and whatever access codes to the gate from Logan Spade. I don't want to be locked in this place surrounded by who only knows.

The driver pulls to what I believe is the biggest house on the grounds. This can't be mine. I ask the driver. He tells me that this house belongs to that of the people who own this villa, Logan Spade's parents. I'm about to ask him what I'm doing here when Logan appears at the front door.

I sulk. I just wanted to go to my place.

I have to admit, he looks damn good. He's wearing an all cream outfit today with shiny black dress shoes. His dark sunglasses over his face don't subtract from the sexual temptation he gives off. I feel myself drooling even before I open the car door.

"Bella," he greets me as he opens the door for me. "How was your flight?"

I nodded still in shock that this is a reality. This is so weird. I'm talking to Logan Spade. I'm pregnant by him. I'm about to meet his parents. I'm torn between fangirling and complete disbelief.


I snap awake. "The flight was good. I didn't have to worry about any unwanted people. Thank you." I say.

Logan smiles. "Come, I have family I'd like you to meet. They own this villa so I trust you'll run into them from time to time. I brought them up to speed on our unusual situation."

I sighed. Unusual, was the not the word I'd use. I was basically assaulted, but it wasn't the physical kind. "Okay."

Logan placed his hand on the middle of my back and steered me forward. He slightly laughed. "Do you ever say anything besides okay when you're agreeing."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I do. I only say okay when I'm between a rock and hard place."

"Ah," he laughed again.

I don't remember ever being so darn funny.

The house was gorgeous. I was completely envious of every inch. I now understand Logan's reaction to my place when he had grown up in places like this one. It was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. This place was like the pictures in a magazine that a designer put together.

Logan steered me all the way into what was like a living room, but way more fancier. I saw an older couple who I presumed were his parents. There were two guys around Logan's age and two women, one of them closer to my age. I did not spot his wife Vanessa. I assume this must be uncomfortable for her.

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