Chapter 9// The Comeback......

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"You too have chosen basketball?", I asked Sean. Apparently both of us had our P.E periods at the same time.

"What else would I be doing here in front of you in the basketball court?", he snapped.

"Woah dude! Don't open you're shitty mouth if you're gonna speak to me that way", I replied back.

"Fine then, I won't", he walked away. Bloody jerk! What an excellent way to start my day! Having a fight the first thing in the morning.

Mr.Meyers divided us into three teams as we started playing a triangular series. Fortunately Lana wasn't in my team. And the best part is that Dishha got her P.E period shifted. Both of us are in the same team. That means our team is definitely gonna win this one.

Our team took the lead in the first match. But alongside, I ended up injuring my left wrist, the fourth time.

"Ouch! Crap!", I guess I sprained it. I rubbed my wrist, trying to move it. But every time I would try to move it, it would hurt like hell.

"How the hell do you end up injuring that one wrist always?!", Dishha asked as she examined my hand.

"Dude! I'm injured! Atleast show some sympathy towards me!", I said pouting. Even though my wrist was hurting bad, I managed to contain myself  so as to not create a huge drama. People were already crowding around me. I hate being the the centre of attention. I looked towards Dishha. It's like we shared a telepathic message.

"Guys! She's okay! Move away! I need to apply some spray on her wrist", she said. Thank god for her! I sent her a small smile. The pain was only increasing. I got up and walked towards a small bench. I swear these girls have made a huge drama out if this small incident. The boys were also staring at me. I could feel Sean's eyes boring into my head. I ignored it and looked at Dishha spraying relispray on my hand.

"I can see Se-", she started but I interrupted her.

"I know! Don't need to point that out!", I said looking straight ahead. She smirked.

"All done! Although you need to put a sprain bandage on it", she said looking up.

"I don't have one now, so lets go", I said glancing her way. She gave me a small smile.

"Oh man! You brought one along, why?"

"You keep shut! Be thankful I got one along. You are the one that uses it the most", saying that, I looked at her and kept my mouth shut. She removed the bandage from her sports bag and wrapped it around my wrist. I stood up and walked towards the shower room.


I walked down the corridor, to keep my books in my locker. I spotted Sean near my locker. I mentally cursed myself for choosing such an amazing timing. Sarcasm. I kept my books inside,  I ignoring him.

"Are you gonna keep doing this?", he asked me.

"How does it even matter to you?", I said turning to face him. "I thought you didn't want to talk to me."

"But you were the one who told me that!", he said in a defending tone.

"Well you were the one who confirmed that!", I said offended.

"Fine! You win this one!", he mumbled under his breath. I smirked.

"Well don't you have something else you want to tell me?", I asked referring to the apology.

"What?", he asked innocently. I huffed and turned around. He yanked me by my left wrist.

"Ouch! A**hole!", I screamed.

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