the last stand

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The last stand

6 years of abuse. 6 years of my life ruined. I would never get them back, never. For 6 years he had beaten me and treated me like dirt he had found on the bottom of his work boot's. He told me he loved. He said he only did it because I aggravated him. He told I was the source of his anger, I was the reason he became so abusive.

He was such a kind man when we first met, he was a gentleman, he always treated me with respect, he opened doors for me, brought me flowers, took me out dinner, but now, now I just get hit. I had been scared of him for too long, he was my husband, I shouldn't have to feel like this, he wasn't in control of me, he wasn't anything to me.

He was standing over me, I had somehow found myself being hurtled towards the floor by the man who claimed to love me, my face was pressed against the red and white wall paper we had picked out together when we married, now, now they just watched as I was thrown around like an unwanted rag doll. He held his right hand on the back of my head, my body pinned to the floor, my breathing ragged as anger started to build up in my weak fragile body,

“What have I told you about making me angry, you know what I get like when you make me angry” There was a smirk on his face, like he was enjoying this, feeling like he had so much power of me, that's all it was, he just wanted to prove his dominance, apparently I was just a woman, I wasn't capable of doing anything that was a man's job, and according to him, he had authority and power over me.

“You're pathetic” I spat through my teeth, poor disgust was evident in my voice,

“See” He pulled my hands away from the wall, small wet patched had formed on the red wall paper from where my skin had started to form a layer of sweat, my head was suddenly pelted forward and my face collided back into the hard wall, “it's your fault”

The pain shot through my already bruised face, my eyes watering from the sudden contact with the hard material; did I really deserve this?

I felt embarrassed of myself, how did I come to this? Being shoved around by a guy who was suppose to be my husband, my life was in shams, I had gone to University and got a masters degree, why was I still here? I could make something of my life, become somebody, help people.

“Get away from me, now!” I shouted, adrenaline flooded through my veins providing me with bravery and courage to face my fears and my husband, for too long I've put up with this, well no more.

“Well, somebodies grown some balls” He chuckled evilly, “You'll regret saying that my love”

Before he had time to react I reached my hand over to his enclosed testicles and squeezed them as tight as I could. A shuddering scream escaped his lips and yanked down on them, his face turning a deep red, his eyes filly with fury. I pulled my hand away and slapped his around the face, I shocked myself, I didn't know I had it in me to be violent.

“You'll regret that” He sneered, his body lunging towards mine in a fit of fury, I moved quickly to the side, avoiding the impact and the damage he would cause on me. His body slammed violently in the wall where I had been just seconds before, he moaned in pain, cursing me,

“You make me sick, you think your pig pushing a woman around huh? Think your fucking clever! You're a pathetic excuse for a human being, you make me sick, I'm embarrassed for you having to beat on me to try and prove your a man, well newsflash for you, YOU ARE NOT A MAN! YOU'RE FILTH!”

He was now looking at me, an unnoticeable expression lingering on his face, his breathing heavy. I stood watching him, I wanted to get out of this house as soon I could, too many bad memories were here, memories that I wish I would forget. He turned his body slowly and walked away, heading into the kitchen, leaving me in the silence with my thought's.

I took a deep breath and started heading for the front door, I had to get out of here, I needed to go somewhere faraway, I needed to start a new life, a life without him. I grabbed for my purse and descended for the door.

I felt a sharp pain in my lower back, my body froze with fear, I could feel the cold serrated blade lodged into my body, the pain now screaming at me. I let out a small whimper as I fell to the floor, the blade was pulled from my back as I collided with the ground. He was standing over me, a smirk playing on his lips, this was victory for him, even when I gave it my all, he still had power over me, I guess this was the only way to leave him, to finally be free.

“Jokes on you” I coughed, a moan escaped my lips as the pain started ripping through my body. Leaving it numb and lifeless, “I'm free from you now, thank you”

The smirk on his lips vanished, and replaced with a look of anger, another one bites the dust.

“Good bye asshole” I muttered.

I could feel my body start to die, my organs shutting down as the blood from the wound trickled out of me like a waterfall, this was it, this was death staring me in the face; it was, peaceful. My vision started to blur, the light disappearing as the darkness surrounded me, this was my last stand, and did I not only win the battle, I sure as hell won this war.

I could hear him screaming, but it sounded like a whisper to me as my body was carried off tot he after life, I felt oddly calm, at rest that I had been taken away from my life, this was a new beginning, and wherever that new beginning maybe; will be better then the hell I stood before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2012 ⏰

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