Day 2

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The summer had ended...

The days at school had begun...

Tons of new students, including myself...

Would explore this new school for the next 4 years...

And there he was, cold and fierce, at my PE class...

Pointing his finger and declaring loudly:

"You are officially my rival! We shall be at war till we die!"

 7 Days 8 Nights

By: Dante Comstock

-DAY 2-

 "Roland. Wake up~!"

  A female voice I know all too well calls for me. I didn't particularly feel like waking up. I felt heavy like a boulder, except this boulder-like body won't roll in bed.

  "Roland! Come on~!"

  And it certainly won't budge for her either.

  "Can you give me an hour or two?" I asked, still groggy.

  "Do you plan on sleeping through lunch?" she retorted pointedly.

   When she says that, my stomach growls in reply. Damn it. You win this time. I threw off the blankets and got off my bed, stretching my back. I look at the girl standing before me. Her name is Julie Luvgal. She's been a close friend of mine along with Jimmy "JimBro" Packerman since we were little. I take a look at her while trying to register my environment. The sun reflected her beautiful long red hair. I have this tendency to take notice to my surroundings. For Julie, I took notice to her white summer dress and short black leggings following her strap sandals. Almost like she's ready for a date... On top of all that, she let her hair down and straightened it, she doesn't usually straighten her hair. And she says because, "It's not worth doing all the work just to straighten my hair." Quite curious about this, I pointed out, "Julie, you straightened your hair."

  "Haha~! You noticed?" she replied with a smile.

  "Is there a reason you straightened your hair today?"

  "Wha-! Ah..." Julie reacted as if she was JimBro getting caught sleeping in class. She looked away, flustered. This girl. I swear. Is a mystery sometimes.

  "A-anyways! Are you doing anything today?" she asked, still slightly tense. Let's see... Am I doing anything today?  I was about to reach for my phone, but I suddenly came to grinding a halt. Something felt off for me. What is this weird feeling...? I give it some thought and Rogan Wood's face appeared in my mind.

  Rogan Woods, my proclaimed rival. He declared this to me back at freshmen year. In PE we were doing the mile. I was on fire to surpass everyone else. So when Rogan was getting close in my space, I tried to pick up the pace, but he would always pick it up with me. In the end we finished at the same time. The result ended up with him declaring me to be his rival. Since then for four years, we've been competing against each other. We did eating competitions, races, endurance tests, and out of everything... We flat out fought each other, mano-a-mano. During those times, he and I get really heated. I feel like the easy-going and laid back part of me just vanishes into the abyss of battle, and I transform into a war demon. Rogan's the only person I've ever tapped into a darker personality with.

I have this feeling Rogan's waiting for me at the park... Just like my personal policy to help those who need help, I can't abandon a challenge when it's presented. I can see Julie anytime. But for now... He's waiting for me.

"Yeah, sorry Julie. I have some things I planned..."

"Hm?" Julie droned in curiosity as she tilted her head, "it can't be JimBro because he's just moving boxes today..." My eyes just strayed away from her. I can't let her get in the way of Rogan and I. And above it all, I don't want her to see that violent and competing side of mine.

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