Volleyball Practice

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Anika, Layla and Yvonne were excited to go to volleyball practice after school.  When practice finally came, they met their coach.  Her name was Halle Semana.

"Call me coach Semana." She said to the volleyball team.

By the end of practice, all three girls thought their coach was super nice.  They were called to the locker room to get a sports locker with the rest of the team. When they all got their lockers Coach Semana called Anika to a back room and closed the door. The rest of the team was long gone. No one could hear Anika's screams as Coach Semana murdered her.

No one saw Anika at school the next day. Everyone assumed she was sick. After practice that day Yvonne was called to the back room. As usual, everyone left. Yvonne saw Anika's rotting corpse and fainted. Coach Semana then cut her into pieces and left her there.

Layla wanted to invite both girls over to her place, so she called their moms. They both said the girls haven't been home at all lately. Coach Semana had invited all the girls over to the gym for a weekend practice. Layla was worried about her friends but she left.

At practice Layla was called to the back room to talk to the coach. Coach Semana closed the door behind them both. The coach forgot the other girls were in the gym. When Layla started screaming, the other girls ran into the locker room to break in and save Layla. They broke in seconds later. All of them wrestled the knife out of the coaches's hands and stabbed her to death.

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