I'm many things like rebellious, leader, and a fighter there's one thing I'm not and that's nice well to certain people.
I grew up fighting for what I want and that will never change so if I have to punch a few people to get my point across so be it...
"I'm home" I yelled as I walked into the station I heard some groans but I also heard people saying hi I practically knew everyone here and it's not because I'm here alot.
My father use to be captain of the police force and when I was younger I would come here and pull pranks on the officers but they didn't mind because I was like 8.
"so what are you in for now" the captain who is named Dave me and Dave are also quite close "hi Dave" he smiled and rolled his eyes "come on tell me what you did" I smiled.
I told Dave the same story I told Charlie and trust me that's what happened "his mom said she wouldn't press charges she said he got what he deserved for being sexist" he nodded.
"I know his mom called me a told me the story she agreed that he had no right to say that stuff now I'm going to let this slide but it will go on to your record and I'm pretty sure your mom will punish you"
I groaned "your mom will be here in a few and Juls" he said pausing "yes" he looked at me straight in the eyes and said "can you try to stop getting in trouble your a good kid and your fath..."
"do not bring my dad into this" I yelled people looked at me sadly my father was a great man but sadly he was killed in a shooting I never even got to say goodbye "sorry but I asked that he doesn't be mentioned"
He looked at me sadly I nodded I took that as he was done lecturing me so I sat in a chair "so why are you here" he looked at Dakota who was trying to break the cuffs let me just say he wasn't hulk.
"like her I punched a guy because he thought it would be fun to pick on my little sister I told him to back off he told me to fuck off so I beat him to the ground next thing I know I'm being held back by teachers and Mr. Happy over here cuffed me"
He said pointing at Charlie I let a laugh out Charlie glared at me but that just made me laugh more "as far as I know this is your second felony so on Saturday you will do community service and it will go on your record".
He rolled his eyes "and you let her off on a warning he said looking a me" I rolled my eyes and Dave said "because unlike you the parents of the student she punched said they didn't want to press charges and the parents of the student you punched wants you behind bars"
He said glaring at Dakota "so in a way your getting off the hook because if it wasn't for me talking to his parents you would be behind bars for a couple of weeks so be grateful" he smiled "enjoy the rest of your day because if my hearing is right your moms here"
He said to me I rolled my eyes Yay not and on que my mom who was still in rags because she was a doctor at the local hospital she looked at me with her tired eyes "your grounded for a week" she said looking at me.
I rolled my eyes "whatever bye" I said to the station I got some byes as I walked out I got into my moms car and looked out the window I grabbed my phone and put my headphones in and turned up my music.
My mom got in she was about to say something but when she saw my headphones she looked at me sadly but she didn't do anything if you can't tell me and my mom aren't close for many reasons one being she's never home.
When my dad died 3 years ago my mom still continued to work and I had to deal with it all by myself after that I couldn't look at my mom she knows that she did wrong but she decides to never make it up so we don't talk anymore.
She drove home until we got to are 5 bedroom house hey what do you expect my moms a doctor so my mom has a decent amount of money she parked the car I walked into the garage to see my lime green croch rocket.
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That was probably the best thing my mom has ever gotten me she bought it for my 16th birthday and I feel in love with it I pulled the key out of the ignition and ran to my bedroom that was medium sized 3 out of the 4 walls where done in grey but the wall near my bed was black.
In the middle of the black wall was a big grey crescent moon that I painted there my king sized bed sat in the middle of my room the bed consisted of a black star print cover and 2 black pillows and 2 white ones a black bedside table was on each side.
To finish off my room was a walk in closet a computer desk with my apple touch screen computer a dresser with a mirror over it my bathroom and all the posters and drawings on my walls.
I plopped down on my bed why can't they understand I'm just following in my father's foot steps he lived to help people but it seems whenever I try to help I get in trouble I rolled my eyes that's when I heard my computer start ringing.
I sat up to see my brother calling me on Skype I walked to my desk and sat in the chair I opened the call to see my brothers lovely face note the sarcasm "what's up Kane"
He rolled his brown eyes "so I heard you got in trouble again" jezz that witch moves fast I thought "Ya and" he rolled his eyes "look Jules I love you but you need to behave I left to go to college in London thinking you were capable of staying out of trouble.
I rolled my eyes "look I had a reason so just forget about it I need to go I got homework" he looked at me sadly but he nodded "love you" I smiled "love you too" with that I hung up I guess it's time to do homework.