Prologue: Logging In

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~Eren's POV~

I leaned back in my office chair after opening my laptop and took a nice long drag of my half-burned out cigarette. Of course, I wasn't a huge smoker. I hardly go through a pack a month.

I logged onto my favorite gaming site and went to PVP. I was put up against someone who's character's name was Ivel Icewalker. I glanced at their username seeing it was, WingsofFreedom1225. I smirked and started a chat while waiting for them to throw the first punch.

EpicJaegerBomb: Hey there.

WingsofFreedom1225: Hey.

EpicJaegerBomb: I'm Eren.

WingsofFreedom1225: Je m'appelle Levi.

EpicJaegerBomb: Huh?

WingsofFreedom1225: I am french. So my english isn't very good.

EpicJaegerBomb: Oh, okay.

WingsofFreedom1225: Bon Chance.

Just then he started the battle, shaving off three quarters of my character's health instantly.I gasped and retaliated, shaving off half of his character's health. With his next hit, my character fell dead.

WingsofFreedom1225: You Americans are weak. Even if this is only a game.

EpicJaegerBomb: I take offence.

WingsofFreedom1225: You're supposed to. It was an insult.

EpicJaegerBomb: Here's my skype address. I assume you have one... -Eren_Jaeger_is_The_King

WingsofFreedom1225: Here's mine. Omegas_Rule

EpicJaegerBomb: I'll skype you. It was fun to battle you.

WingsofFreedom1225: Same to you. Au Revoir.

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