|| Fleeting Love ||♥ [APH AusHun One-Shot]

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A/N: Hello there, woot woot it's my second hetalia oneshot and I'm sort of...apprehensive about publishing this because I think it's not good enough for a top grade OTP like Austria x Hungary. But still, there's not enough AusHun on here, and on fanfiction .net too. Shame, I tell you. These two need way more love.
Anyway, I wrote this on impulse after listening to Coldplay, and despite the terrible title and annoying authoress note I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! ^.^ R&R, and do vote if you think it's deserving, please, if that's not too much to ask for~

|| Story Start||

The night of October 30th, 1918 was cold, rainy and particularly dreary. The hour was growing late, and the raindrop lullaby that sang when those little droplets fell on the window sills did not lull either Roderich or Elizaveta to sleep.

But still, Elizaveta would try. To her, Roderich was undeserving of the turmoil that kept him awake not just that night,but perhaps, for a month or two. Or a year. She was not spared from it, but it took much more of a greater toll on him. It was obvious. Dark circles rimmed his eyes whose violet irises were perhaps the most curious shade of deep purple she ever had the fortune to see. And they once bore a sparkle that reminded her of a starry night's sky. Nothing remained now, though. Not a little, not even a vestigial shine. How could it? Their empire was falling apart, all that they had built upon was being reduced to ashes again. The crumble of Austria-Hungary had left the once regal man a slumped figure against the headboard,ravaged by sickness as his empire collapsed. It hit him harder than it hit her, and for that she was a little glad as she had the strength to try and be of comfort to him.

"Roderich,you should try and get some sleep. Tomorrow is-" She began quite reluctantly,she did not want to talk about their divorce even though it was imminent. He cut her off though; he would speak nothing of it till the day came.

"Yes, I know. It is an important day, but I've gone without sleep for days. A few hours' vigil wouldn't do any more harm than it already has." He said quickly with a sigh, rubbing his temples to soothe his headache. He had barely finished half of what he wanted to say to his wife,about how she should go to sleep, and how he loved her despite the fact that their divorce was something they both saw coming at the start of their marriage, as pain rippled through his side.

After all, it was a merely a political alliance for the convenience of both their rulers, and neither of them had intended to fall in love. He tried to distance himself using his work as an excuse, and she tried to convince herself she couldn't care less about a man who was physically weaker than her. It took a stab to her heart during war for him to realise he cared for her. It was the time when he held her as she writhed in pain due to her wounds to realise she needed him. It took that night for them to realise they wanted each other, when the moonlight filtered through the curtains, and fell on her face. He had never exactly bothered with how beautiful she was, but there was something particularly enchanting about the night. Perhaps cupid had decided to blow kisses into the wind. And perhaps the stars aligned when their eyes met in a rare fleeting glance. Soft violent ones met wild green irises, gazes were locked, apologies were said, words were exchanged. Her laughter rang like bells in the house that was empty despite her presence, and daring to kiss her-passionately-was one of his best decisions. And they spent the next 49 years very much in love with each other. But of course, it was foolish of them to get used to romance, love and all. It was doomed from the start, and Roderich and Elizaveta fell too hard in love it had begun to hurt. As much as it hurt to admit, the pain, loss and separation was indeed inevitable.

Roderich winced as he went into a fit of coughs, and one would have thought Elizaveta would have gotten used to it these days, but it didn't stop her eyes from widening. She threw her arms around him, her voice and expression tinged with worry. "Love, are you alr- what am I saying, of course you are not! And that is why I insist you rest, right away-" She was cut off once again, as he placed his finger on her lips to silence her, and gently unwound her arms after he recovered. A look of hurt crossed her face-something that she had not felt to this extent even recently .
He cleared his throat, but did not meet her eye. "Do not call me 'love', Hungary. And do not embrace me."

Hearing this shattered Elizaveta. They were not even divorced yet, and he was shrugging her off. Her thoughts ran wild, and she could not help but question what she thought about their relationship. Now that everything had fallen apart, did their love, too, become meaningless to him? He had just called her "Hungary." Her official name. Not her human name. Had they become so distant, once more, just like they were at the start? Her voice was hoarse with unshed tears that now stung her eyes, but she willed herself to speak. "So...you deny me now? Is that what it has come to, Roderich?"

Roderich could not turn away, he could not pretend he did not care about how hurt she was. He looked towards her, and smiled wistfully.

"The luxury of holding each other, and whispering words of love is no longer ours, Elizaveta. It has ended, remember? There is no point. The day will dawn upon us soon, and I think I would use whatever little time I have left...to...to get used to the fact that you will no longer be my territory, as painful as it is. And you should, too."

Elizaveta could no longer hold back her tears as sobs began to wreck her body, and he leaned in to wipe away the little droplets that glistened on her cheeks.

"Do not cry, Elizaveta. It might just be..." He forced himself to say it out, "something to look forward to. You were, and have always been a strong, independent woman, after all. The divorce would give you the liberty you deserve. And I'm sure that is what you want much more than me."

"Don't say that!" The Hungarian woman screamed as she grabbed his collar, tears streaming down her face freely. "Don't you dare say that, you bastard! Haven't I done enough? Isn't it obvious? Isn't it as clear as it can be? I desire my freedom, yes, but I need you. I've learnt to live for you, I can't possibly..."

She sniffed, shaking her head as she dried her tears, and added with renewed vigour. "Let's go somewhere, Roderich. Anywhere. Anywhere where we won't ever be seen again. Let's leave now, so our damned bosses wouldn't get to us. We have to-mm!"
Roderich pulled his hysterical wife into a kiss. It was the best he could to do to be her solace at that moment. He let their lips speak for the both of them, unspoken words of their memories shared in his language she alone understood. He didn't deepen it. The kiss was chaste while it lasted, and she calmed down, and realised what he was trying to say. 

"Do you understand, now?"
She gave only a slow nod. And he was right. For if she loved him, the signature and ink on paper would mean nothing when two hearts were bonded. She loved him, and she knew that he loved her back. Nothing could come between the essence of their relationship. The Austria-Hungarian legacy would never end. They would continue it in their memories by living strong, and looking back sometimes.

"....We'll meet again, though, wouldn't we?" She asked almost fearfully.

"That is a promise, not a question." He answered in a quiet voice, but it was the utter truth. Nothing could stop him from seeing her.

And he held her willingly through the night as she threw herself onto him, whispering as she cried on him, despite the cacophony of thunder and the cries of outraged citizens on the streets, which they both managed to drown out while in each other's arms.


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