Our Secrets: The Surpise

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Kristoff POV

When I saw it was rapunzel I wanted to hold her and break down... But held it back hearing what she had to say...

I can tell she was scared and nervous talking to me. When she told me why she came over and apologized. I missed her so much! I can't lose her... I can't "I can't afford to lose you too..." I mumbled into her shoulder we start to cry into each others arms. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up slightly from how short she is.

We sway back and fourth for a few minutes. Until we hear someone cough. We both pulled away with tears stained on our cheeks. It was Anna "I see you guys made up?" She crossed her arms over her chest a gave rapunzel a small smile. I looked over to rapunzel smiled she looked up at me and we both gave each other a warm smile. I turn back to Anna "yeah we did..." I pull rapunzel under my shoulder and hold her tightly.

Anna smiles and than her face turns into anger. Anna is staring at rapunzel weirdly? "You ok Anna? Is there something wrong..." Anna's eyes move up to me and her mood completely changes from anger to happiness "oh yes everything's just peachy!" She smiled sweetly and turns back to rapunzel... rapunzel pulls away all of a sudden. "Uhmm I'm going to get my stuff..." she walks away. "Oh ok..." I mumble and watch her leave. So does Anna, once rapunzel walks in to the room I turn to Anna and look at her concerned. She turns her eyes to me and smiles "is there something wrong? Kris?" I shake my head and say "I could ask you the same question? Anna?" She lifts up an eyebrow and walks closer to me. I copy her movement "hmm I'm not sure what you're talking about?" I chuckle at her innocence. "Uh huh sure..." she rolls her eyes and turns to where rapunzel is "I'm going to help her pack..." I shake my head and let her do her thing.

I wonder what's wrong with her?


Anna POV

I walk into the room to find rapunzel sitting on the bed crying?! I rush over to her and sit next to her on the bed. "Hey are you ok?" I rub her back in comfort.

She looks up at me, she looks deep into my eyes and says "do you hate me?" I gasp and put my hand to my chest "why would I be mad at you?" She cleaned her nose with her sleeve and sighed out "well it looked like you did back there..." I start to laugh... I know I seemed like I was mad but actually I just crabby. "Oh that honey that's just from my mood swings..." she looks up at me with confusion... I smile at her

"Man you and kris are like twins..." she smiles softly... and then goes back to the subject about my mood swings "wait what do you mean by mood swings?" I gave her a cheeky smile and said while getting up "I'm pregnant!!" I whispered yelled. It took her a second to react but when she did she yelled "YOURE WHAT!!!" I shushed her "kris doesn't know yet!" She gasped and smiled "when are you going to tell him..." I looked around for a moment "Well I was going to tell him before you came knocking at the door... that's why I was kind of upset..." she stared at me in shock "omg I'm sorry for barging!! I just wanted to get my stuff! I'm so sorry!!" She whispered yelled

I shook my head in understanding "no no you didn't know it's fine..." she smiled and hugged me "congrats!!!" She got up from the bed and grabbed her luggage and put a few small boxes on the long handle thingy. "Can you tell kris to help bring these to the cars?!" She smiled I nodded. And yelled for kris to come over when he did I pointed to the boxes and he instantly knew what to do... I looked to rapunzel and saw her in complete shock "I've never seen him follow orders so quickly..." I giggled at her comment and started to help put the boxes in her car. After about 40 minutes of getting everything into her small BMW we all hugged and said our good byes. "Bye you guys and congrats..." she whispers softly to me when she passes by me. I smiled a thank you and we watched as she pulled out of the drive way.

Kris and I turned to each other and smiled. "So what is that you wanted to tell me?!" He smile just made me want to melt into his arms...

"Come on inside and I'll show you!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside the house he looked so confused. I walked him to the fridge. "Open it!" I smiled wide. He looked so lost it made me smile "you want me to open the fridge? This is your surprise?" I shook and pushed him closer to the fridge "just open it!!" He looked at my skeptically but opened it only to see a little envelope when he opened it there was a little clue. He reads out loud "hey honey if you're reading this I just want to let you know this isn't the surprise the surprise will be in our room..." I looked behind me naughtily I rolled my eyes. "Not in that way you naughty boy!" He chuckled and walked to our room only to see an envelope on the bed. He rushes to it and opens it only to be met with another clue. "Haha just kidding this isn't the surprise! But the next clue might be somewhere we like to talk and maybe make out at? Can you guess where?" He smiled he didn't look at me but he just ran to the living room and he looked around until he finally found another clue under the couch pillow. He looked up at me and shaked his head. "Hmm I guess you do pay attention... alright next clue... what's something in purse that I take out the most..." he runs to my purse and looks through it only to find a clue tapped to my wallet.

"Wow never knew you would get that you're really good boyfriend but not good enough... this was your last clue now go to our bathroom there will be a surprise in there for you somewhere... good luck searching." He turned around and walked to our bathroom. I look inside the bathroom and see him tearing down the whole entire bathroom I giggled "you're so blind!" He looked up at me confused


Kristoff POV

"you're so blind!" I looked up at her instantly. I'm so confused right now until I saw what was in her hand. My eyes widened "is that?" She smiled and nodded "did you?" She smiled wider "I had it the whole entire time." I gulped and said with my last breath "was it positive?" She smiled and nodded so joyful. My eyes widen to its full form. I ran up to her and hugged her tightly she was giggling I pulled away before I could get my hopes up "you're not kidding right?" She smiled and shook her head no. "You're not!!" I got more excited she smiled more wide and shook her head. I smiled wide and lifted her up which made her giggle "I CANT BELIEVE IT!! IM GOING TO BE A DAD!!!!" She smiled like crazy... gosh she makes me go crazy. I put her down and just hug her

"I can't believe it..." I mumble holding her more tighter she gasped "ok babe a little too tight!" I gasped and install apologized. "I'm sorry it's just I can't believe it!! We're going to be parents!!"  I kissed her face all over she was blushing which made her even cuter... this means I have to propose to her... but how?!


HEY MY SWEETIES!!!! Hope you guys are having a good week!! And for the people who were in the hurricane Matthew I was in it! It was crazy and just bleh! But I'm ok and I hope you guys are ok if you were in it or your family members went through it! Anywho see you guys on the flip side!!





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