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-Ow! Be careful.- Yelled Dorian after i bumped into him.

-Shut up.-

-Hmph.- He pouts again. He's so annoying.

We walk through a dark hallway into a room where there're a few people sitting on the ground on pillows. Dorian also sits down on a green pillow with yellow stripes. I stand awkwardly as everyone looks at me and by everyone I mean a small Asian girl, some guy in a blue hoodie and a really cheerful looking girl with a long ponytail she was wearing yoga pants and a tank top... She was probably cheerful because she was clinging onto the boy with the blue hoodie which I kind of liked (I mean the hoodie) but he didn't seem very happy about it. He had a serious expression on his face and was staring at me weirdly. Dorian gestured towards one of the pillows I didn't really want to sit but I did anyway. I sat down and stared at the ground uncomfortably. Stay away from that boy with the hoodie. I'm not sure you should trust the strange Asian girl either. And ms. Ponytail seems a bit out of it too. But lets not make assumptions just yet. I got it. Ms. Ponytail... That's a great nickname. I laugh a bit. Everyone stares at me.

-What?- I say and stare at them coldly.

-Why is she here? – says hoodie boy to Dorian.

-Well... she seemed cool.- Said Dorian.

-Haha. That's such a lie you absolutely hate me and you know it. You probably dragged me here only cuz I know that stupid Jason. Anyway why did you take me here?- I stare at him half smiling.

-I don't hate you and I don't care about Jason... I just... Grrr.- Says Dorian. He is getting pretty frustrated. Ponytail girl laughs a bit.

-You're such a baby Dorian. Its hilarious, right darling?- She looks at the boy with the hoodie.

-Yeah, sure.... anyways I kinda see why you took her here. -Says hoodie boy and i just wanna kick him in the face for fun but i didn't do it for some reason.- So whats your name?-  He asks me.

-Hm... Amanda.- I was contemplating whether to tell them my real name. But Dorian would have corrected me and I would've looked like an idiot.

-Im Jessica! And this adorable man here who's my boyfriend is Oliver. Its nice to meet you.- Says ponytail girl. Very happily. I already hate her.

- I could've introduced myself you know...- He says gloomily. Hm... he seems cool. What did I tell you? Lets go home. Your mom will freak out otherwise. No, I like it here. Come on.

- No. – I say quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear. They all stare at me. Dammit. -I...- I look down, not knowing what to do.

- W-well... The girl over there is Fate... she hates her name though.- Says Dorian the girl looked at me weirdly then looked back at Dorian.

- Its very uh... "nice" to meet you all. I've heard absolutely nothing about you. –

-Dorian! Didn't you mention your besties? Your such a lousy friend! Joking, joking. - Says ponytail girl and laughs. She's so annoying! With that smile on her face I want to punch her.

-Guh, shut up you cheerful pony your killing me. – I say to her loudly. Hoodie boy smiles a bit but no one else laughs, although I see the little spec of hatred in Dorian's eyes..

-That was mean... You're a lot like Dorian.-

-I doubt it.-

-You are.- Says hoodie boy I think his name was... Oliver? Whatever ill just call him hoodie boy.

-Has he ever been to a mental hospital?-

-N-no...- Says Dorian. I chuckle a bit.

-Then we're nothing alike.- Shut up! You gave away too much they'll think you're crazy! But i am. So it doesn't matter if I hide it. Who cares what they think of me.

Voice of The Past (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now