Chapter 4

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"You want to join us, human?! Human funny! We just killed humans, ate humans, destroyed humans homes and you want to join us. Funny, funny, funny!" The goblins break out in a hysterical laughter, spit flies among their masses.

I cant stop grinning. If they dont believe me, Im done. If they arent interested, Im done. Come one, show me how human you bastards are. Where is your curiosity?!

"Human interesting, human funny! If you really hate humans then you can joins us for our meal!"

The goblins seem happy and excited. Hands clapping together and shoulders being patted like they are having a lively party. A party drenched in blood and filled with malice. Like children that had killed their parents and are enjoying their new freedom with this sick display.

Heeros hands were clenched into a fist, but they relax. Silently he breathes in deeply and exhales slowly. But his whole body tenses up again when three goblins jump and rush past him. He hears their bodies dragging through the air and their feet hitting the hard ground. The house behind him, they have entered it and only seconds later they drag out a body.

A young woman, lips devoured by insects and vermin. The exposed gums make you think you are standing in front of the grim reaper, the skin so pale it reminds of dust. Maggots flail their bodies around in her wounds, located at her neck and leg.

Heero gags, the stench suddenly becomes overwhelming. He wants to give in, kneel over and throw up, but he cant. With all his strength he bites into his lip, the pain makes him forget the smell of decomposition.

"They are the freshest ones left! Eat! Eat!" One of the goblins says excitedly, while pulling at the corpses hair.

Heeros eyes scan the masses, then they shoot back to the corpse. While everyone is still laughing and seems excited, Heero noticed a change in atmosphere. They are staring at him, their eyes are all on him.

Fuck, this is a test. If I dont eat it Im dead, but... No way in hell... Could I really stoop that low. This is beyond even beasts. Will I even stay sane if I do this...?

"This reminds me..." Heero murmurs.

I always stooped low anyways.

Without announcing it, without preparing himself, without even glancing back at the goblins one last time, Heero kneels down. His hands trace over the corpses stomach, as they slowly hike upwards. They stop at the neck, his fingers digging into the maggot infested wound. His hands warm up and they tingle. Without minding his intrusion the maggots keep digging deeper into the wound, wiggling their bodies and rubbing them over Heeros hands. His head goes down, and his nose dives into the sea of flesh and insects. It stinks, but Heero doesnt gag, he inhales.

I want to die right now.

His lips touch the corpses skin, the edge of the wound. He tastes blood, for the first time not his own. Salty, the texture of the old and clotted blood reminds him of rotten milk.

As his mouth opens Heero thinks about a lot of things, mainly about how so much happened in such a short time. Why was he here in the first place? He didnt want to go now, did he? Who did this... Who made the king kneel once again? Who?!

That bitch... As this goes through his mind his teeth dig into the flesh, tearing through maggots and pale meat equally. Again and again stinking, partially rotten meat enters his mouth. He chews it, without break. The taste, he doesnt even pick it up anymore.

Something plays in his head on repeat.

That bitch... 

Like a starving Hyena Heero doesnt stop to even breath and when he finally raises his head, mouth covered in blood, fingers red and maggots crawling on his hand, he finds himself surrounded. They are feasting with him, without a care, side by side. Hes one of them now... Maybe just for now. 

But more importantly, he will live. 

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