Chapter 1: Life

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November 25, 2024

I was bored. I'm usually bored these days, but it's not something you get used to, only endure. But, being bored was probably the best thing for me right now. I walked down the street. It was raining, as it usually did in this damn city, so I stayed huddled beneath my umbrella.

Most of the people who lived around here lowered their heads and hurried by. I didn't blame them, nothing much to see here anyways. Just the local boogeyman come out to play. I just stuck a cigarette in my mouth, feeling around for my lighter.

It was an old, scratched up red one. Probably almost a dud by now, but I liked it. I flicked it, and got only a few sparks. I flicked it again, and still no flame. I narrowed my eyes at it, flicking rapidly."Start up, you damn stupid-"

A hand appeared in front of my face, with a lit lighter being kind enough to enable my bad habit. I recognized it immediately, and looked at the man.

You know that old Tim Burton movie about some undead guy trying to find the Christmas spirit? Well, this guy was probably the closest you'd ever get to good ol' Pumpkin King, or whatever the hell his name is.

Arkady was a friendly enough guy. Straight out of some country whose name I couldn't remember with a long-named condition that made him tall as all hell, about eight feet, when all was said and done. He looked about forty, though you could already see grey forming in the corners of his hair. He gave a cheerful smile."Is bad habit have you."He said, his accent making it almost impossible for strangers to understand him.

I just smiled back."And yet, you help out." I replied, turning away and blowing a puff of smoke into the air.

Arkady chuckled."Is for best. Better to have you slowly dying then punching the potential buyers, hmm?"

I looked at the box. Arkady was always walking around these streets, selling one thing or another that he managed to get his hands on. Most people would stare at him anyways because of his height, he'd once said, so why not profit off of it? Today, seemed like he was selling chocolates."Oh, I see. What all you got there?"

Arkady smiled."Ah, very fine sweets from Fancy Island!"He said, using his name for Great Britain."There is Crispy Crème, the Milk Chocolate, the Almonds, very nice, the Caramel filling. Is all good, I promise. You want, Casca?"

I chuckled. Chances were they were stale, or something was wrong so that someone else didn't want it, but Arkady was a nice guy, thought I should help him out. I pulled out my wallet, but heard my phone ring instead. I answered."Yeah?...Alright, be right there." I hung up."Sorry Ark, rain check. Save me a caramel. And try selling those inside somewhere, you're a lightening rod."

I knew Arkady would be stubborn anyways, and I heard him hassling his next victim."You there! Like Fancy Island chocolate? Is good, I promise!"

James was waiting when I got there. He'd grown out his hair a bit, and there was a ring on his finger, but other than that, he hadn't changed much since his teen years. He'd chosen to wear a fedora today, solid black to match his grey suit. He smiled."Heya Cas. Thanks for coming!"

I took another puff of the cigarette, then stamped it out on the sidewalk."Well, that's my job, isn't it?"

James nodded."Fair enough...Come on, let's get it over with, eh?"They walked in.

James had gotten bored with college. He already knew everything they were telling him in accounting, and nothing else really interested him. So, he'd simply explained the plan to his mother and asked for what was left of the college fund to start his business. No'd been skeptical, but had eventually agreed.

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