Chapter 1 (Matchmakers)

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"Kara," Winn said, "Glad I caught you."

She turned to him.

"You have a date tomorrow," he informed her, "You need to be at Angela's at 6:30 PM. Good luck."

"You set me up a blind date without my approval?"

Kara was almost mad but she wasn't, since she knew he was just trying to help.

"Well what does he look like?"

Winn cocked his head.

"You'll know your date when you see them," he said evasively before turning away and walking off quickly.

Kara shook her head. What she didn't see was when Winn and James high fived while watching her.

"She's oblivious isn't she?"

"Yeah," Winn answered, "We should keep it that way. Good work. Did you know who get the body cam so we can see Kara's reaction when she notices her date?"

James nodded.

"We're all set now we just have to wait for tomorrow," he responded.

Meanwhile Kara was befuddled. Winn was playing matchmaker, but who had he set her up with? That was the question. Part of her wanted it to be Alex, but she knew it wouldn't be.

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