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12:04 pm



Would ya just LOOK at them!

Milana is sitting across the table from Jared, and they both would take an occasional look at each other, but look away when the other lifts their head.


They need to talk about what happened. And it needs to happen now. This is our last day on the train.

"So," I start. "How did everyone sleep last night?"

That was probably a stupid question because everyone looks at me with a look that says, "Seriously?"

I sigh. "Ok, nevermind then."

Mil nudges me. I look at her as she nods her head toward Jared and Cameron.

"We need to talk to them both." She whispers.

I nod and decide to wait a few minutes before turning to her again.

"You talk to Jared and I'll talk to Cameron."

She widens her eyes but I put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm saying this because I don't want you to feel like you're in danger. And I know that Cameron will make you feel that way." I explain.

She nods and says, "Be careful."

I look up. "Cameron, can I talk to you?"

He furrows his eyebrows. "Why?"

"I need to ask you something." I say before I start to walk out of the room. Cameron goes to question me again, but follows me anyway.

Once we're alone, I look at him and let out a breath.

"Do you have any idea what may have happened to you and Jared?" I ask.

He looks at me angrily. "Yes I do."

"What happened?" I asked sternly.

He clenches his jaw. "They took something from me."

I look at him in confusion before he continues.

"And they gave it to him."

"What did they take?" I ask.

He chuckles. "Just watch your back."

He then smirks. "Tell the same thing to Milana."

And with that he leaves. I stay there, completely still and confused. Within a few minutes, Milana finds me.

"Al!" She exclaims.

I look at her. "He knows what happened."

She runs up to me and shakes her head. "What happened?"

I sigh. "He didn't tell me exactly. Just that they took something from him and gave it to Jared."

Her face drops. "What if it's like a disease or something?"

I could tell she's worried for him. I put a hand on her shoulder.

"It'll be okay." I reassure.

Her breaths are shaky as she nods.

"What did Jared say?" I ask.

She shook her head. "As far as I know, he still doesn't know what happened to him. Then I remember that Carson talked about hearing impulsive and out of control. So I asked him if he had any impulses to do anything and...."

She starts shuttering. "He said he had the impulse to hurt someone."

I take it all in. "Did he say who he wanted to hurt?"

She bites her lip and nods.

"Who is it?" I ask.

She hesitates before speaking. "His brother."
15:32 pm

Mil and I have kept a watch on both Cameron and Jared for the past 3 hours. So far, nothing bad has happened, except for the fact that Jared always seemed tense.

Even if it made Mil nervous, she stayed close to him in case something happens, which I silently applaud her for.

Cameron is upset and angry. He's closed himself off from to rest of the group. Maybe it's best that he does that. Obviously it's better for Mil. She's less tense now.

Jared always seemed to glare at his brother. Hatred seemed to burn in his eyes. It's honestly scaring me a little.

We're in the living room/car sitting all together in, except for Cameron, in silence. Mil is between Jared and Donovan. That makes me a little anxious.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Alma asks.

Carson shrugs. "I think it's our last day on the train."

I look over at Milana and see she's looking down at something. I follow her gaze to Jared's hand, which rests on his lap. It's clutched and shaking, something an angry person would do to try to keep his anger in.

I look at Milana and she looks at me.

'Do something.' I mouth.

'Do what?' She mouths back.

I shrug. 'Just something'

She looks back at his hand and hesitates before moving. She looks back at me and lets out a breath. She puts her hand on top of his, avoiding eye contact. I'm a little surprised she did that.

I give her a smile smile as her cheeks go red. Jared looks at his hand and he relaxes. Good going, Mil.

The door behind me opens and Julia walks in.

"Hello!" She cheers. I toll my eyes as she continues.

"Now, I'm sure you're all wondering what we're doing tomorrow. Well, we're almost to the City Hall, where you will meet other contestants and practice your skills and knowledge for the experiment. Please remember to try to make friends with everyone and learn from each other."

And with that she leaves. I scoff.

"I wonder where she goes off to everyday." I say out loud.

"Probably to her charging station." Mil comments.

We both chuckle. I notice Mil's cheeks are a bright red instead of dull now. I look back down, and I see something I wouldn't have thought to see in a million years.

Jared is holding her hand.

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