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💫J o s h💫

The next day at school me and Tyler hung out again. But he was a little sad, he had a bruise on his arm to. A big one.

I asked him what happened, and he started to cry. He told me that it's okay and not to worry about it, but I still did.

He was still kinda sad, and it made me sad because I think I made my friend sad. I wouldn't stop hugging him and apologizing.

He told me over and over again that is was okay, but still.

I asked him if he wanted to come over after school so we can play. He said he would have to ask his mommy, I just nodded.

During class I kept on telling him joke to make him laugh. He once laughed so hard because I told him that Ryan, his bully, that I could hear him fart in class.

Mrs. Page said to be more quiet, but we still laughed. I like his laugh.

At recess we went on the swings, we didn't talk much. It was quite, i liked it. I only liked it more because I could see a smile on Tyler's face.

I liked his smile.

Yikes it's short sue me.

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