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Hello peoples of the internet! I hope you are having a marshmallow fluff filled day! I know I am (not). This here is gonna be a short bio of me and things that I like. I hope you enjoy.      

Now, let's get down to business:

I'm 14 at the moment. But I'll be 15 in November. I have 3 dogs and 5 cats. (I know that I probably sound like a crazy cat-lady and I'm gonna embrace it!) I've never written stories or fanfiction on here, so this is my first time. ( And I apologize in advance)

Here are somethings about me: I love taking pictures of anything and everything. I also love baking and creating tasty treats! My favorite color is mint green. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because I get to spend time with my family and I get to eats a lots and no one can judge me! I love fall and Autumn! 

Some of my fandoms I am apart of are: Grey's Anatomy, The Walking Dead, Alice in Wonderland, Supernatural, and Marvel

My favorite bands/artist are: twenty øne piløts, X Ambassadors, Kodaline, Imagine Dragons, Maroon 5, and Luke Bryan (don't hate me for liking some country)

Kenna really does have a huge crush on Ireland, that is true. She also is in love with me. This could end very badly.

But we will see.

I hope you all enjoyed getting to know me and that you will enjoy and read any upcoming stories that will be posted on this account!

~Goodbye my little Pumpkins!

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