Maybe I Deserve

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You were on your way outside.Until you opened the door and saw Prod standing there.You stopped and looked at him.You can tell he needed to get some things of his chest.

"Oh um hi."you smiled

"Oh hey well do you mind if I tell you the truth."

"No come in."you opened the door"I thought you coming over later baby?"

"Well I needed to get some things off my chest."

"Ok well go ahead."

"You know I care about you and I love you a lot and I deserve to know some things."he took  a deeo breathe.

"Like what?"

"Maybe I deserve to know who's been calling so damn late."

"Babe you tripping that's just my nigga(any boy's name) you now from upstate."you noticed what you said.

"You say i'm tripping its just a homie from upstate don't he know its 1o'clock in the morning."

"Its cool babe its cool we ain't doing nothing."

"You say its cool babe its cool but to me its not."he shook his head and looked at you."Why you so shocked to see me here."

"Because I was just about to head out to(boy's name)ohhh hehehe."you looked down.

"Baby I deserve for you to say he's coming into town why all the secrecy babe?And he's wondering if you and him can hang out yeah I heard all of it."

"Because if I told you,you would tell me no."

"I don't like it but you know I gotta trust you!"he yelled"It ain't cool cause I know its true."he scoffed.

"You're supposed to any fucking way!"you yelled back.

"Maybe I deserve for you to find some other guy maybe I deserve for you to stay out with him all night."he looked at you.


"Maybe I deserve for you to do all the things I did to you."He looked away"Maybe I deserve."

"You don't."you got closer.

"Look at you."he pointed at your outfit."Maybe I deserve for you to put on a sexy dress for me to ask you who the hell are you trying to impress?"

You looked down.

"For you to laugh it off like its nothing I know its something maybe just maybe."He chuckled"Sit at home and wonder where you are?"he looked down"Wonder if he is kissing you touching you holding you.Take a drink and help ease my mind."

"He's doing none of that."you lied.

"I wanna be mad but what for I don't deserve this."he thought"What's the point of asking you where you been."

"There is."

"For what?For you to say I better stop tripping."he snapped"What's it gonna take?For me to grab your neck and let me know?"

"I wish you would."

"For you to run crying,crying out the door for me to grab my coat and chase you down the street to say it ain't you its my own insecurity for you to say yes I cheated on you I won't care after all i put you through I deserve to be mistreated to even be lied too sometimes maybe you should go cheat on me."

"No yo-"

"Maybe I should sit and wait by the phone because I paged you three or four times.Girl I know I put you through hell."he shook his head

"No you don't deserve this Prod I don't now what i'm doing ok i'm wrong ok you are a great guy Prod and you really don't deserve this."you walked out the house.


Song:Maybe I Deserve

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