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Unedited :(

"Okay guys take a break and then we'll pick it up from the top yeah?" Their dance instructor Chris said.

Cassidy sighed in relief.She felt sweaty all over.

"This is the hardest choreography we've had to learn so far." Penelope complained, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"You seriously don't see the logic behind this all?" Delilah asked taking a sip from her water bottle.

"No and I'll blind myself if you try and force me to." Penelope replied "I don't do logic."

"Yeah that's why your stupid." Trish stated before throwing her towel on her.

Penelope shrieked and threw the towel back.

"I am not stupid!" She said pouting.

"Yeah you're right." Trish said "You're really stupid!"

Cassidy sighed and turned away from the two who were now playing 'lets see who can whip each other with our sweaty towels the most'.

"So what is the logic behind this all?" She asked.

Delilah lit up the way she did when she was explaining something.These days that was the only thing that could make her smile.

"Well you see, this is our first tour right? How well it turns out will shape the amount of sales we get on our merchandise, album and the tickets for our future tours.If we nail this one, everything will soon follow in line."

The girls began asking questions but their words soon blurred into the background as Cassidy began to space out. After the tour, they would be going on a long break and Cassidy internally groaned at the thought. Her parents would eventually invite her over for dinner. Knowing Martha and Patrick, they would probably invite David too. Ughhhh..David.

Cassidy was no longer able to hide her discontent. It wasn't that she hated David (he was her boyfriend why would she?) she just...didn't like him like that. She only started dating him to stop her parents from thinking that she was still-

"Hey Casey break is over!" Penelope said taking her hand and dragging her to the centre of the studio.

Cassidy blushed and quickly removed her hand from Penelope's. It was then that she noticed that Aria was missing.

"She told me she was going to Eugene's office." Penelope said after Cassidy voiced her concern.

Cassidy stayed silent after that and kept her expression casual but she couldn't get her mind off Aria. She remembered the first time they met. Cassidy had really annoyed Kylie that day so on her way home, Kylie and her friends caught up with her with a special 'punishment'.

"Say it," Kylie said wiping her pair of scissors "Or you won't have your precious hair anymore."

Cassidy squirmed and tried to get away but it was no use, Kylie's minions were too strong for her.



"That's for saying no," Kylie said "and this is for existing."

She came closer and took a hand full of Cassidy's hair. Just as she was about to cut it someone yelled stop.

Cassidy was shocked. No one told Kylie what to do.

"Don't cut her hair." Aria said, her voice full of authority.

"Excuse me?"

"Don't. Cut. Her. Hair."

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