Chapter 2

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It was a bit later in the day here than it was in my world and the sun rapidly sets. Luke shows me to the spare bedroom and stands in the doorway scratching his head like an awkward penguin.

"I know this is gonna sound cliche and terrible but... please don't go in my basement."

I'm not sure but I think he sounds embarrassed.

"Uhh, sure?" I say. "I wouldn't go snooping around your house anyway and no offense, but a basement of a house inhabited by a dragon-human doesn't sound like a place I'd want to check out."

He laughs nervously but looks a bit relieved. A lot relieved.

"Goodnight, Anika." he gives me a little wave and shuts the door behind him.

Okay, I admit, I am quite curious about his basement now, but much stronger is my sense of self-preservation than my curiosity. I lock the door and crawl into bed.

Honestly, for sleeping in a dragon's house, I sleep really well and don't have any bad dreams or hear scary sounds or anything. I wake up when the sun hits the window and don't have any of that 'where-on-earth-am-I' feeling. Yesterday was so crazy my brain couldn't forget about it. I wake up thinking about hot chocolate and trampolines.

Luke is apparently already awake as I hear sounds coming from the kitchen, so I get up and change out of the pajamas he lent me (seriously how much extra clothes does he even keep around??? All the stuff he's giving me so far is a perfect fit) and ease the door open.

As soon as I step into the hallway, I realize that Luke isn't the only other person in the house. Unless he argues VERY LOUDLY with himself in a totally different voice.

I tip-toe to the edge of the hallway and peek around the corner so I can see the kitchen. Luke is cooking breakfast and lounging by the dining room table is another someone.

"Come OOOON, Luke, I want to see her! Why do you always have to keep the girls to yourself?"

"Rama, shut up. She had an exhausting day yesterday. Let her sleep."

"It's seven thirty!" Rama wails.

"And you've been whining about seeing her since you got here at FIVE. Just shut up before you wake her up."

I didn't make a move or a sound or anything but suddenly Rama swivels, almost as if he KNEW I was there and had just kept bugging Luke for the fun of it.

"Well, look who we have here."

Luke whips around and I wonder where the calm, easy-going guy of last night is. He looks tired and on edge, sharp eyes that were soft yesterday taking in me and Rama in a glance.

"Morning, Anika." he says.

He's also a terrible actor.

"Hi," I step into the living room and wave to both of them.

"So you're the pretty thing that got stuck with Luke. You poor thing." Rama tsks his tongue. I wonder if it's forked. "Well, lucky for you, I'm here and you won't have to deal with this stick-in-the-mud anymore."

"Leave her alone, Rama." Luke's voice is a hard-edged warning. I wonder what's going on with these two. Luke called Rama a friend, but he's acting like he'd rather bite his head off. Literally.

"Luuuuuuuke, you're no fun." Rama whines. "Not everyone has a nice wormhole in their backyard that spits out pretty girls. Let me have this one. Pleeeeaaase?"

"She's not something to be HAD, Rama." Luke snarls. "Leave. Her. Alone."

"Ugh, fine." Rama rolls his eyes and throws his hands up. "I tried, sweetheart." he says to me. "If you get bored with him, I live four houses down. My door's always open."

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