Hiding the Heart

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Tranquillity Chap Seven: Hiding the Heart

It had been done. There was a small service for Richards mother, and the faculty was made aware of everything that had happened, from murder to adoption. Though it took some time, life returned to normal for the people of Xavier's School for the Gifted. Classes let out for summer break and things had been quiet on the X-Men scene, Sabertooth having been dealt with already.

Tranquillity was curled under a giant maple tree in a far corner of the grounds when she felt his sigh and she again realized how bored he was. Summer held no excitement for Logan and he had the itch to find some. Only Marie held him in place; his love for her, though it had taken years to emerge, was strong and it held him where he was, held him against his own nature. Closing her book Tranquillity felt herself being swept away by his boredom. Shutting her eyes she closed the door to her heart before his boredom swept her away completely. Tired from needing to keep a barrier up against his strong emotions Tranquillity retired to her room for a nap, curling up into a ball, and slept, not realizing how exhausted she was. By the time she woke it was to the incessant pounding of a little fist on her door. Groggily she opened and was greeted by Richard's face.

"Tranquillity, come on! It's time for dinner! You're late!"

Still sleepy, her emotional barriers down, she was caught up by his hurried feeling. Trying to wipe the sleep from her eyes and straighten her clothes she followed the little boy into the dining room. Slipping into her seat Tranquillity apologized for being late. She picked up her fork and was about to spear a bite when it happened. Sharp, searing, blinding pain gripped her heart and the fork dropped to the plate with a loud clatter. Clutching a hand to her chest she tried to shut the feelings out of her heart, unsure who was causing it until she could step back and look on from a distance. But the feelings were too powerful, overwhelming, and she couldn't break the connection.

All around her the noise of conversation and laughter stopped when her fork fell. Immediately Jean was by her side trying to determine what was wrong. "Tranq? Tranq talk to me... what's wrong?"

Shaking her head Tranquillity tried to get away but only succeeded in falling to the floor, her hands still clutching her chest in a vain attempt to block the pain. The pain was so great she hardly noticed being lifted and carried through the halls to the med lab and laid on a gurney. Nor was she aware of the tests being run. All she felt was the pain, but as time passed she found she was able to focus a little more on the source of it. Straining to look past the pain she saw Marie, doubled over in her bed, eyes stained red, tear-soaked pillow beneath her head, letter in her hand, and Tranquillity knew without a doubt what had happened.

With that knowledge the link was broken and the pain stopped. Breathless from the experience she lay still for a moment to calm down. When she opened her eyes she saw Charles sitting next to her, his eyes boring into her with such concern she was almost overwhelmed once more. He didn't say anything, waiting for her to regain her composure. As she relaxed from the pain she became aware of his left hand stroking her hair while his right held both of her hands captive.


"You certainly scared everyone." ~ Me most of all. ~

~ I didn't mean to. ~

~ I know. Are you okay now? ~

Tranquillity sighed. ~ I think so. It was just such a shock. She's hurting so much! ~

~ Who? What happened? ~

~ Logans left. He left Marie a note. When she found it... ~

Though her thought trailed off Charles was left with a clear image of how she had seen Marie. Shaking his head at the stupidity of Wolverine he closed his eyes and hoped against all hope they could make it right with Rogue before it was too late.

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