Chapter Two

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Thanks in advance for reading. I left a few questions at the end, if you could answer that'd be awesome. Feel free to leave comments as you write.

-Have fun,


Chapter Two: Nobody's Perfect

0002 hours, March 5th

The window slammed shut. Vala jerked up upright. Head spun as darkness and spots over took her vision. Heart raced. She swung her hair around with each snap of the neck. As the blood returned to her consiceneous, Vala steadied her mind and stilled her heart.

She had fallen asleep studying at her desk. A quick memory of the fight with her mother brought on an audible curse.

Vala rolled her eyes, as she realized the bedroom window had slammed itself shut. It was always closing itself and waking her up in such a fashion, Vala cursed its existence; like the rest of the house, it was shittly put together like some retard had found a hammer one day.

She dragged her heels across the floor of her room. Her frown cemented and eyes hung low as her mind began to replay events from the evening. The distraction kept her from noticing the cat on her bed, until she had opened the window and sat back at her chair.

A skinny frame, with worn, shineless, brown fur, stared up at Vala. Still half asleep, Vala entered a confused staring contest with the cat. She struggled to keep burning eyes wide while she attempted to figure out where she new the intruder from. The cat seemed to not care about the contest, and broke the ice by slowly licking the back of its paw, to brush behind its ears.

"Hey. You're--" Vala noticed the scar on its chin. "Did you follow me home?"

"Yes," the cat answered, in a British accent, of all things, "I did."

"Holy fucking frog shit!" Vala backed up and out of her chair onto the desk; between shifting weight from the two, the chair gave way, rolled and crashed against the bed with great force.

Vala fell to the ground, cracked the back of her skull against the desk and slammed her butt on the floor. Her hands came up defensively to the back of her head, but the pain became unimportant as Vala's mind caught up with itself. A talking cat!

With pain now ignored, her sanity felt like it was slipping away. Deciding the event at hand outweighed a possible concussion, Vala lowered her hands into her lap as her eyes cautiously rose to look at the feline.

The cat transitioned from bed to the spinning chair. The momentum depleted, just in time to line the two eye to eye. An eerie shiver shot up Vala's spine.

A series of mental gymnastics were being performed in Vala's brain. Bypassing a lfe time of paradigms to accept a talking cat, didn't come easy. A few moments passed until finally all of that became unimportant.

"I'm not sure," Vala's gulp got caught halfway through her dry throat. She coughed, which flushed her cheeks. "If that was creepier than you talking. Either way, I'm pretty sure demon kitten should leave."

The cat rolled his eyes. "A hundred lifetimes searching for the Echo Army, and the first one I find is more suited to be a jester, than a knight."

"Yeah?" Vala knew she would be matching wits with a feline, but an insult was an insult, and she was willing to stoop to any level, no matter how low. "Well at least when I clean myself, my hair clogs the drain and not my throat."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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