Chapter 8: Who and What

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Lucas' POV:
I was sitting on my bed, exhausted. Dealing with Mike and will was a hard thing. It's hard to have two messed up friends. Messed up in different ways, of course, but still. I didnt know what was wrong with will but i knew what was wrong with mike. Hearing eleven really messed with him. Especially knowing now that shes in danger of some sort. I know me and the weirdo didnt always get along but i was worried about her. I lost My train of thought as i heard a knock on the door. I went downstairs and opened it.
In front of me stood will and hopper. I was immediately confused. "Uh, may i help you?" i said and will smiled at me.
"Yeah, you can actually. Thats why we're here." he said and i nodded My head slowly, even though i still didnt understand.
"go get your stuff and come with us." hopper said in a very serious tone. I went inside without hesitation and started to pack my bag. I put in a flashlight, my hand radio, and the wrist rocket. I walked back out and we all got in hoppers car.
"Oh yeah, theres one more thing," will said, looking at me seriously, "you cant tell mike or dustin."
Mikes POV:
"So will and lucas are with hopper?" Dustin asked as we sat at My kitchen table, eating lunch Together.
"Yes. Im not sure why and Im not sure if i cant even trust-" i looked down at my shoes and sighed. "I get it," dustin said, putting his hand on my shoulder, "and i think we should go down to the station."
I looked up. "Really?" I questioned and he nodded.
"Whatever theyre hiding from us, we have a right to know. Especially if its about eleven. Will doesnt even know her. Why would he get to know something about her that we dont?" I looked at him and he seemed genuinely upset about it.
"I think he does." I mumbled in response and he looked at me.
"What?" he said and i told him all about how will used elevens real name the same day he passed out in the woods and i heard him say 'El.'
"Im not sure how, but i think he does." Dustin just stared at me.
"Thats even more reason to go." he said smiling at me. I nodded in agreement. No more secrets. Me and dustin went upstairs so i could get ready. I packed my radio, a flashlight, a pocket knife, and a box of eggos. We got on our bikes and made our way to the station. 'No more secrets.' I thought in my head.
Elevens POV:
theres more than one. Theyre getting smaller, but stronger and faster too. Hopper hasnt been today and i was getting worried, and hungry. I made my way around the upside down, the place i had learned to call home. It was terrible. All i could think about was mike. Was he moving on like i told him to? I wanted him to be happy. I coughed and then winced. I put my hand up to my side and felt around my ribs. 'Broken' i thought in my head. Despite the pain i was up and walking. Maybe i could find something to eat.
I coughed again, this time making a small noise in pain. I winced again. I was gonna get ready to stop and sit down when i heard a noise on the right side of me. I moved slowly closer to it. I didnt think it was a demogorgon considering I wasnt bleeding. As i got closer the noise seemed to be getting a little quieter, whatever it was must have heard me and been trying to hide. I made my way over to what kinda looked like a blanket, except more torn. I pulled it up and under it i saw a barely conscious girl. I had to keep myself from gasping out loud. Partly because i didnt want to scare her and party because it would of hurt extremely bad to do so. I bent down, which was awfully painful, and I touched her shoulder slightly to make sure she was even still alive. She shifted her gaze to me and suddenly she was fully aware. She looked like she was trying to scream but she couldn't. I could tell she was scared.
She stared at me confused and suddenly a thought popped into my head. I pointed to her arm and she looked down at it. She didn't seem to understand until I put mine out and showed her my 011 tattoo. Her fear seemed to go down a little but not all the way. She put her arm out and I looked at it. 005. She looked around my age, which was confusing considering her number was way before me. Her head wasn't shaved like mine but her hair  was still short. "" I said as quietly as I could and she nodded.
"I'm..lost." she whispered and I nodded my head. "How did you get to..the..upside down?" I asked her and she sat up.
"Useless." she said and I stared at her confused. I didn't understand.
"My powers. All I can do is-" she coughed in between sentences, "I can think of things, and I can make them appear, but only small things. I also get too dizzy, even after transporting just one tiny thing. They thought I was useless so they threw me in here. I've been here for awhile, I just, always stayed in one spot. Now I'm lost." she looked at me to make sure I understood and I nodded. It was weird how her English was almost perfect. "How did you get here?" She asked and I just shook my head. I didn't want to tell her about Mike or Lucas or Dustin and anybody else I had met. I gripped my side painfully and she looked at me, concerned.
"Broken." I told her, pointing to my ribs. She nodded and closed her eyes. I looked at her curiously as a small bit of light appeared in front of me. Suddenly at my feet was a small container of pills and a bandage. I looked at her and she was almost unconscious. Through her exhausted state she said, "take them. They'll help." I took the lid of the container and swallowed two pills. They were awful going down my dry throat but I immediately felt a lot better.
As she slowly recovered from what seemed to be the first time using her powers in a long time, she told me to lie down. I did and she put the wrap on my broken ribs.
"" I said and she smiled weakly at me.
I sat up and the pain was almost gone. I was so thankful for this stranger.
All of a sudden I heard it, a low growl. "Oh no." I said and she looked at me worriedly.
I couldn't see it because it was dark but I could hear it. I stood up.
It came out into the dim light and I could see it but barely.
" that?" she said and I waited for it to get closer. I hadnt used my powers in a long time, because I'd been too weak. I decided now was as good a time as any as I held my hands out in front of me. "Cover ears." I said to her and she hesitantly did. It made its way over to us and I held my hands out in front of me. "Gone." I said as I felt it slip away, and My energy go with it.
Wills POV:
"So what exactly is the plan?" Lucas asked as we got out of hoppers truck.
"Come inside and i promise i'll explain everything."
Lucas walked next to me as we entered hoppers office again. He looked at me and then nodded at hopper. He was trying to ask me if he could trust him without actually asking. I nodded. We entered the office and lucas sat down on the chair next to me.
"So, heres what we're gonna do. I dont know if wills told you but hes been to the upside down-" hopper started but lucas cut him off.
"Yes, i know, i was there when you saved him."
Hopper laughed before continuing, "no, lucas, i mean, recently. Hes been recently."
Lucas looked at me wide eyed. "Wait, is that what happens when you-"
"Pass out." I said finishing his sentence and nodding.
"So basically lucas, will is our only way back to the upside down, because the original portal is..closing."
"So will can get us to the upside down?" he said excitedly and i shook my head.
"No, lucas, but i have a plan. I think if will tries hard enough he can creat a portal to the upside down. It will start off small at first, of course, but after practice it will get bigger. Big enough for one of us to go through and get eleven. I would be happy to do it since Ive been but first things first we have to try it." Lucas didnt say anything for awhile. He seemed to be taking it all in.
"Yeah, okay," he said finally, "but why do you need me?"
"Because we could always use a little extra help, and i know you'd be good in this situation. Youre always good in situations like this." I said and he looked like he was thinking about it.
"Im in, when do we start?" he asked and i smiled. Finally both of My secrets were out. Not completely but i still felt a lot less guilty.
"I'd like to start today." said hopper and me and Lucas both stood up, looked at each other and said, "let's do it."

Okay i hope you guys enjoy the new character, Im gonna try to push her into the story as much as possible! Also short chapter again because still busy but Im gonna keep my promise on updating everyday💘✨ anyways enjoy the story my loves and remember Im always open to suggestions/opinions or anything like that so comment if you have any
-xo ry

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