Graduation and Other Rituals

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(Michael Hudson as Honaw Williams)



It had been a few weeks since we were all sitting around the table in the cafeteria talking. Over the weeks I went to school and saw my sister in the hospital, went to the packs house and spent a lot of time there studying for finals and doing homework. I knew most of the pack didn't like me, but I just hung out with a few of the wolves that I had been able to befriend. Emery had gone over with me a few times actually, sadly enough Angelo hadn't been there any of the times. Elliot and I have been secretly planning on hooking the two of them up. Speaking of Elliot him and my brother had actually been talking and have become friends. Along with that I had been fitted for a graduation gown and my ritual dress, which are both done and sitting here in front of me on my dresser. 
 I put on my black and silver dress, it was a simple dress, it went a little passed my fingertips on my thighs, it only had one sleeve though. I finished the rest of my makeup before putting on my heels and grabbing my graduation gown and cap. I ran down stairs "I'll meet you guys there! Emery and I have to be there early!" I let everyone say goodbye before running out and getting in my car, and going to pick up Emery. She ran out when I honked, she wore a white strapless dress that went to her knees with a slit on the side going up to where mine ended, her makeup was done perfectly and her hair was down and unstraightened. She sat down and groaned "Nothing goes with this damn cerulean blue color!" She waved her graduation gown in the air like she was going to throw it out the window. I laughed and headed out for the school. 


"Emery Elaine Davidson" My family, and her family suddenly started screaming, cheering and holding up banners. I chuckled and waited an hour for my turn, I studied everyone in their cap and gowns, unlike Emery I actually really liked this color and the way the sun hit it was gorgeous. Finally "Lulu Lynn Williams" the same uproar for Emery broke out for me, as I walked up I thought of poor Cholena sitting out with my family. I accepted the empty little leather folder, shook a few hands, walked down the stairs and smiled for a picture. Walking back to my seat I tried to find my sister in the crowd, I felt bad that she was going to have to wait till next year, she should have been up there with me. I sat back down in the crowd of blue. When the time came we switched the side of the rope hanging off our caps and I watched as everyone else threw theirs. They all laughed and cheered and searched for their caps on the ground. Roxie, Johnny and Emery found me, we gave each other hugs and congratulated each other as we spoke a pair of arms wrapped around my waist picking me up and spinning me. When my feet were on the ground I turned in my attackers arms and gave him a kiss we both laughed and Mathew congratulated me. I waved to everyone and let Matt lead me back to where they had been sitting. Grandfather was the first to give me a hug, "Why don't you drive me home today and come spend some time at the reservation?" He said it more like a command then a suggestion. 
"Because Papa I rather go home and relax and be with my parents and siblings, Cholena only got home a few days ago. I'm sure you understand plus I'll be there this weekend." This weekend the reservation was throwing a celebration for Cholena and I becoming adults and accepting our spirits. I looked at Matt then back at him "Papa if we could talk again I really want Mathew there, he is my mate and it is important to me."
We had been fighting on if he could come for a couple weeks now. At one point I told him I wasn't going if my mate wasn't, he said I was choosing a beast over my own tribe. My mother ended up yelling at him telling him he was going to loose me if he didn't accept Matt as my mate. My mom had bigger balls then anyone in this family, I would never be able to yell at him like she has in the past. 
Matt touched my shoulder I knew he would have said that it was okay and he didn't need to go but I shot him a look and he knew it was important to me, he shifted his gaze and sighed softly. 
Cholena stood with Jeremy's help, who had barely left her side since that day in the cafeteria. She walked over and hugged me "Congratulations Lu! I am so proud of you!" I held onto her until she needed she sit down again, she was going to physical therapy but at the moment she was still weak and depended on the wheelchair and Jeremy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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