Gajeel and Levy (OTP)

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Tada! I got bored and I couldn't sleep sooooooo yeah

Levy: hey Gajeel

Gajeel: hey shrimp!

Levy: you seem happy!......what happened?

Gajeel: I beat salamander to a pulp >:3

Levy: and that makes you happy?

Gajeel: Yea :)

Levy: did Mira talk to you about her 'GaLe' ship?

Gajeel: yea why?
Did she talk to you?

Levy: yeah she did a few minuets ago before I left her chat room

Gajeel: good job!

Levy: what?

Gajeel: you stood up for yourself Shrimp! That's just one more step to being bigger! And taller gihihihi

Levy: HEY!!!!


Levy: stop laughing!

Gajeel: I can't

Levy: why?

Gajeel: because your so 'short' tempered XD

Levy: your such a jerk sometimes -.-

Gajeel: but I'm your jerk XP

Levy: Meanie

Gajeel: Yes..Yes I am :3


Anyways remember to leave a comment on who you would like to chat next (maybe a few if you guys/girls might be able to chat with someone maybe even your Senpai)

Anyways love ya Byeeeee minna~

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