A Lovely Little Thing Called Travel

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I touch another spirit that lay limply on the beach before anyone sees it.  It dissolves into swirling shadows and sinks into the sand.

I sigh.  "That seems to be the last of them..."  I look over my shoulder and give Narissa a thumbs up.  She nods and removes my hood.  Wind swirls around us, and my death garment billows in the breeze as it slowly fades away, revealing my Obelisk Blue uniform.

Narissa takes a deep breath.  "You should say something.  To him and Ree-Ree.  They have a right to know."

"I know...but I also know that they'd kill me if they found out."  I glance at Narissa solemnly.  "Besides, even if they didn't, we'd have to go through the 'No, this is not a dream' thing.  And you know I hate that!"

"Yeah, but I'm not your only best friend--you have Ree-Ree and Jay and Jesse and Alexis and..."  Narissa goes on and on listing the names of people who I was friends with.  I sigh.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


The next morning, I slice another soul with my scythe.  This is beginning to frustrate me--it seems as though every time I think that there are no more spirits in the room, there's another one.

I fall onto the bed with a sigh.  This was getting to be boring.  I can't help but wonder who this "significant other" is going to be, and how I would feel about having to kill him or her once I find them...

There is a soft tapping on the door that startles me from my thoughts.  I recognize it as Jesse, because lately I've been reading about the history of my family.  He knew that, for some reason, this was important to me on many levels.  He would always rap quietly on the door ever since I mockingly yelled at him for interrupting me the first time.

"Come in, Jesse!" I say, taking a pen from behind my ear and removing a small notebook from under my bed.  "I think it's open!"

Jesse pokes his head in.  He looks around curiously, then strides into the room with a nervous smile.

"Hey, Rach'ie..." he mumbles.  I cam tell he was nervous about tell he's nervous about something, but I decide that it'd be better for me not to pry.  Besides, why would I want to pry into Jesse's personal life?  It's none of my business.

"What's up?  It's pretty late, even for me, honestly."  I gaze at the beach through my window.  A beam of white moonlight brightens the water of the ocean, and it mesmerizes me sometimes.  I can't help but wonder why I loved to look at the water so much.  There couldn't be a real reason...

Jesse holds my shoulder, and blush creeps across my nose, flooding my cheeks.  He watches the water with me, and when I look at his eyes, I see the moonlight gleaming in them.  Such beautiful eyes...

"D'oh!" I cry out as a thump sounds from under the bed.  I wince.  Okay, maybe pretending to hit my foot on the underside of the bed wasn't quite the best idea.  But I needed a way to hide the fact that my mind just completely went stupid...

Jesse's eyes grow wide.  "Rach'ie!  Are you okay?"

I smile as small tears form in my eyes, nodding.  "Y-yeah...I'm fine..."

Jesse frowns.  "What just happened?"

"I just...I just hit my foot.  It really hurts," I admit, only half-lying.

"Do you want me to--?" he begins.

I take a shaky breath.  "No."

"Well...I have an idea!  Why don't you come with me on a little trip tomorrow?"

I gape at him, a bit confused.  "A 'little trip'?  Jesse, can't we go on Wednesday? Or better yet, Friday?  Isn't Tuesday a little bit...weird?"

"You're right."  Jesse nods.  "How about we go on Friday, like you suggested?"

"Sounds..."  My lips curl into a feigned smile.  "...good," I finally half-growl.

Jesse looks startled.  "Cool.  Friday.  I'll...see you then."  He smiles at me and nods.

"We're in the same classes.  So why don't I just talk to you then?" I ask him, my grin becoming genuine.

He winks.  "You know I'm up for it.  See ya!"  He waves and exits the room.

I sigh and bury my face in my hands, wondering what the hell I've just gotten myself into.

A word about me and travelling: Something--some entity--is always trying to kill me.  I hate it, especially because I can only walk to places without something trying to end my life.  Apparently, killing me is a way of making humans immortal--a stupid thought.  Life is a beautiful lie; death is a painful truth.

So I am a painful truth.


Admin and Rachel's Commentary!

Surprise...this is a compilation of all of the RPs I've done with @Jesse_Johan, including our current one!

((Hee-Hee!  Surprise!))

Still don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Narissa is still based off Admin, and Ree-Ree is making an appearance soon!

Continue to enjoy!!

((And yes, this was in part based off of an RP.))

The Kiss (of a Girl named Death)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ