The fall

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Most say it's a feeling of non-existence of life. Less say it's a rush of feeling like the only soul that ever existed. Others say it doesn't exist at all. We can give our opinions about what we think it is, but we cannot describe with words or physical motions what we feel it is. It takes different effect on us all mentally. Physically we can seem calm and collected , but under that mask of lies , we cannot escape the infinite trap. I don't exist when it traps me. I am individually separate from the world. From space to the end of time , that's where it puts me. This thing is an abstract curse , a curse we cannot escape. Once you've fell into it , there's a bottomless under , that pulls those so deep , so incredibly quick , we do not even notice how far gone we are from existence. Your soul , snatched right from your physical body in a blink of an eye. How do we possibly react to something we never knew was there ? How can defend ourselves from the seamless, deceiving curse? We cannot. Then there's the trip . The trip is what caused me to fall. In other words.. "HIM". The reason I cannot live peacefully again. The trip stole my mental peace, my focus, my heart, disconnected me from existence. We fight for those who steal our most meaningful treasures. We cannot live without our thieves , our peace breakers , our soul snatchers for one reason. Because I am in "LOVE". He stripped me of my mental and physical purity. Sinking his fangs into my exposing looks of terror. He took advantage of me. The feeling gave me a substance of death , and now he won't let go. This thing handed over all of my innocents , my independency , my heart to him. The bottomless under is where he put me , and there I remain. The further away he put me , the longer I am trapped. I am like a meteor in space. You've seen me once , but it could be a billion years from now you'll ever see me again. I am that meteor. So lost , so far gone... This thing is pulling me so far down , there's no chances for return. No second chances , no redo's , nothing left to fight for. So why fight for life , when your so far under ? The only thing that could bring me back to the surface ... is to stop falling. But we all know that'll never happen. My life depends on his actions. Why do I put my only piece of sanity into a figure of poison and insidious foundation of my fall. He's looks so much like an angel. A savior sent from above. Internally , there's nothing but darkness and careless spirits that feed on my pure soul. Those take control of me , disguised as nothing but perfection on the outside. Their whispers eat my brain alive , set my heart on fire , turns my skin inside out when he touches me. Who wouldn't want to feel something so incredibly "magical" ? He's my drug , my comfort zone. He sends me words of only the living could understand , but I am blinded by the death from inside of him. I am close to the inside , the closer I am , the less life I have. I think back to the day I thought I saw the most perfect form of life god has created. His dark complexion thrilled my brain cells to dance like the stars in a million galaxies. His strong body drove my eyes crazy dreaming of those long arms around me. His soft hair made my fingers numb when I could feel every strand running through them. And his bright smile lit the entire room as if it was hand crafted and made by Jesus himself. But most of all .... those eyes connected me with his inner soul and right there ... at that moment ... I fell.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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